Peter Capaldi new costume the 13th Doctor

13 drso there it is the 13th Doctors costume

Bit boring isnt it ,to me it is identical to Matts that he regenerated into but all in black ,and i do like doc martins so ill say ok to that new shiny boot but those pants are a bit wierd tight at the ankle wide at thigh big nappy baggy style at crotch and ass its a  bit ” cant touch this”, hammer style, first impression it looks like some sort of magicians outfit,isn’t this what collin wanted?

It is some are suggesting  akin to pertwees first costume,er no, well ok his was all black’ ish lot of blue in that jacket but his  was different material velvet/ satin /cotton etc with  the frills a striking cape and velvet smoking jacket with frog closures rolled collar braiding on the cuff  accessories including leather gloves and tardis key lifting the costume way above the ordinary and giving it a real sense of style

this is what there referencing to

Sea_Devils pertwee2

Now with red lining in Peters coat it bears a resemblance and Peter is a confessed Jon Pertwee fan having wrote to the program and been a avid fan at that time so guess where the idea came from and good on him

but its not,

i don’t think personally it is the all black nature of it i think it is just so plain in its materials  or lack of , there’s no detail or texture or variance that’s missing if there was a black silk chord trim to the lapel or a black velvet waistcoat a silk stripe down the outer seem of the trousers something to lift it  or even a gold Albert chain with watch and key on it a or a sense of it being his something about it off cuff ,its a little plain  uniform at the moment

sounds like i am being hyper critical im not ,we have had a LOT worse ,Sixth and Ninth Doctors costumes ,7th Dr’s  xmas jumper covered in ???? ,That ruined a otherwise good look and only JNT liked and wanted and was soon dispatched with in comics books audio TV Movie (just about Everyone)

this is of course coming from the team that gave Dr 8 his new suit

339fe-1468700_767731546573840_1395318303_nthat’s got a sense of style a traveler something old ,how do you go from being able to deliver this from nothing just whats available for a days filming to a very boring set for the 13th Doctor ?

Good news the Doctor does now change his clothes like in the seventies  so this is it for now for a year maybe longer but there’s another to be had when the actor wants to strike a new look and gets bored

main plus point ,a pretty simple custom to make just a very uninspiring one to do

Special Dalek forces

desert drone , designed entirely by Dalek science units was a Dalek although equipped with the same  bonded polycarbide armor  it had modified armor and equipment to withstand the harsh climates of deserts and extreme terrain ,as Daleks can be vulnerable to extremes of temperature and be slowed and impeded by harsh terrain ,


They like all Dalek  units inserted on a planet and not using aTransmat a Dalek landing craft or shuttle (a dedicated, armored, and maneuverable landing craft to transport Daleks directly into battlefields)  would land with mission specific equipment needed and units required , equipment could  include adapted  Hoverbout, (the Trans-Solar disc for transport ) a Mobile HQ , specific equipment /supplies to the mission


They were nearly identical to standard Daleks except they had additional programing  in specialized areas ( Technician ,Mining, Explosives, Data Computers, ) and advanced cooling systems in their Armour that offered the mutant protection from extreme heat the casing was completely sealed from the environment.  and anti clogging  filter even resistant to burial , polarized lenses built into the eye stalk as well as a standard eye with the wide  spectrum of site modes Infra red was omitted instead  there  was a special zoom , a built-in long range com link for extended missions far away from base  and different motive / anti grav units


Visual differences in armor included heat-reflective coating  lighter color different markings of black on the shoulders denoted different ranks , from the dark all grey leader at base to the mission specialists the all grey and grey with black slats ,collar or oval highlights, a specialist unit  there missions never required a supreme Dalek  they had a leader and own command structure and were a mission specific unit  , and as a specialized unit were interdependent and instead liaise with a mother ship via there special long-range  com links


They had the standard Dalek  heavy weapon gun stick with multiple modes of fire and standard manipulator arm that interfaced directly with equipment and sensor spheres as with previous casings, a number of different, interchangeable arm attachments were available for insertion into the arm sockets, and it could also be fitted with other mission specific equipment when necessary


The Dalek science units  are some of the oldest drones having developed Kaled mutants over many centuries with special intelligence and special computers and organic memory and computer gel packs  with all scientific knowledge acquired by the Dalek race studying, and in some cases, manipulating the nature of the galaxy ,they studied biology, chemistry, physics, or derivatives of these fields to the advancement of the Dalek empire and development of new technologies and equipment ,dedicated to research and development of new technology. It held a significant amount of influence in order to achieve its aims through other agencies within the Empire.


They unlike  Dalek  units inserted on a planet had there own saucer  a dedicated, armored, and maneuverable landing craft to transport Daleks wherever they want it even had limited time jump technology ,(this small scout craft sometimes even had its own dedicated  saucer commander red commanders were reserved for bigger saucer class but a black striped pilot  ) ,it was a remote exploration craft it would land with mission specific equipment needed and units required to study and take whatever materials were necessary or act as a advanced party if planet was important enough to await arrival of the Dalek fleet, this saucer was heavily armed and adapted with quad laser cannon and missile tubes capable of firing probes, seeker units ,satellites in high orbit  and ballistic missiles with any variety of war head they made from plague missiles to basic high yield explosives for sterilizing areas for research and study


They were nearly identical to standard Daleks with standard polycarbide armor except they had additional programing and computers  in specialized areas of scientific study  the eye stalk as well as a standard eye with the wide  spectrum of site modes there  was a special close optical system for study and analogizing , they had no targeting system they were not warriors  , the older mutant and personal life support systems were more vulnerable than most standard Daleks and prone to shorting out under internal duress

Visual differences in armor included the older silver steel base with  black  highlights , a specialist unit  there missions never required a supreme Dalek (they had a chief scientist in a blue casing ) they had a squad leader and own command structure and were a mission specific unit  , and as a specialized unit were independent and instead using advanced hyperlink communication  send there data for immediate analysis and study after mission conclusion ,often these craft could be sent far reaches of the galaxy and seldom heard from for long  extended periods, if ever again

Death to the Daleks 1920x1200

They had the standard Dalek  heavy weapon gun stick with multiple modes of fire and standard manipulator arm that interfaced directly with equipment and sensor spheres as with previous casings, a number of different, interchangeable arm attachments were available for insertion into the arm sockets and special scientific instruments, capable of free thinking to they were able to create new weapons and equipment  if needed and had all facilities to do so on there specially adapted saucer


All Change for the Blog line

Well besides being a lonely place to blog Blogspot,I want to grow my blog.,no one could comment on posts without incurring to much grief and  Blogger became more and more glitchy for me over time. Feedburner lost ALL of my subscribers, and after I took down my “followers” tab, I could never put it back up. It was frustrating beyond belief. The other problem with blogger is that they own your site. At any time, they could take it down, lock you out, etc. and you have NO recourse. That never happened to me, but I had heard of people losing their ENTIRE blog content out of nowhere and never getting it back. When you go to self hosted, you own everything on your blog.


So Here i am after a suggestion i took a plunge got to just figure it all out now how this works and customize this to way i want it a few kinks to ,theres purchasing options and site ownership im not getting into but for now so far so good at least will give me something to keep me busy

Hope you enjoy the Blog

still i hope find me through my user name of transcendental musings so should all i hope run smooth

Happy 2014

So wow what a Xmas ! , a week long marathon of drinking eating and being very merry and it’s flown by 
Got some nice stuff all useful this year like clothes etc first time in a LONG time not got anything who wise or collection based,well excluding  my superman socks and slippers 
and i got a BIG TRACK key ring torch,i had the real thing as a kid 

Met with the Mother (running out of family) ,spoke to the best friends man could wish to have and enjoyed,DVD’s, yes TV was that bad , but usual films enjoyed, National Lampoons xmas vacation,planes trains automobiles,  ,Jingle all the Way ,scrooged,Batman returns , Scrooge Albert Finney, Elf ,all good stuff, open all hours back on TV and was rubbish 
Doctor who episode ,even the Mrs a not we didn’t like it ,was badly written made no sense or cohesion ,so poor matt thought you would have had something better
 liked the last few seconds but it was a small tennant re hash i was hoping for something more Caves of Androzani, something dashing heroic a noble sacrifice alas not to be
and that’s it no who for 8 months  until august,not a bad thing considering
 I look forward to sniffing out bits in the sale tho i  think who stuff is a long wait as it appears the southern hemisphere and USA get first dibs on the who stuff now and toys  ,but somethings to look forward to ,Hurts 9th Doctor be around April/ May time so one for Birthday list and they said no more new series five inch figures so hope for a Capaldi yet, CO are known liers who have nothing but contempt for customers as proven many times by there attitude and product
 ,my Pyramids of Mars shelf ( Truly never a better episode)  has got to have the Priory set with Sutekh and scarman alas my friend said it is not brilliant and has some big flaws (BIG surprise there) but ill still get it because of what it is

any new years resolutions?,no,why?, don’t believe in it i do have a to do list and like to check it off like go on holiday be nice this year or learn x this year ,so that’s done 
Like im going to try to find a old poster ,this one 

And study like crazy still lots to learn 

this is inspiring


 I have my Models half done or in bits to finish that has to be done my Guitar neglected so that has to be addressed  and a Bedroom in need
 in fact thinking about it a fair few half done projects

Year started with a bit of sad  news, a new’s item that almost went unnoticed, 
James Avery the Actor has died which is sad he was a part of my youth either as voice of shredder on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or better known as “Uncle Phil” in Fresh Prince of Bel Air, a fine actor ,and covered all ranges in Fresh Prince and going of the interviews videos of him a nice man,classically trained Shakespeare a masters degree  the lot  
although a couple of years ago i remember a interview and he had diabetes and was in a wheel chair so obviously not been well for a while   very sad really it was sort of show that was entertaining and sort of learning from ,certainly one of those unique once in a life time shows
also a who connection,Josseph marcel the butler was the cafe owner in remembrance of the Daleks (the sugar speech )