The Cupboard of Rassilon

As a Dalek would say “DECORATE” and i did

I have my little ” cupboard  looking nice all shiny white walls and my cabinets are in

the special thing here was to make it fit round everything so it flowed and worked as a whole, so i designed its lay out to have purpose and create more floor space
things set right up to the wall it works.
now not much but this humble collection is mine and now i got it looking to sweet

display room

and i know you greedy lot wana see others so here we go

my colection shelf

this is my who shelves and a paint to get right ,but are now spot on and made from scrap and skip finds and a bit of paint et voila shelves

now my big models and RC stuff on top as you can clearly see no room for a upcoming 3rd scale classic K9 RC but i wont say no to one as a pressie 🙂 under that is MY shelf, yes this room is the ultimate selfish trip my room my way, so L-R, Revenge of the Cybermen ,Remembrance of the Daleks ,Pyramids of Mars and Death to the Daleks ,all my fave stories immortalized in plastic form under that some of my TARDISes L-R Masters Tardis 70’s computer bank ,Smith Capaldi custom , Tennant Eccleston, 80s circa S19 and McCoy McGann box with the Masters TARDIS Grandfather clock custom and an unseen but there hat stand  add some awesome pictures a graphic or two the console diagram from the tech manual is behind the tardises and done

my who cabinet stuff

now thinking aghhhhh no blurred ,im being creative you get the idea im sure, this is my small lot (main focus is classic not new)

I think of this shelf as being the two Timelords discuss the doctor and the rest is a visual aide of what they’re talking about around them
yes that is original miss piggy rose figure and ecclestone these are the first figures ever made from them came this lot including and nice to have out my custom stuff like iron legionaries, delgado in suit Key to Time Tom etc

and on top shelf nearly all 13 Doctors (always one missing caught in a sodin vortex ,again, and not there) but as i grew up with 12 regenerations, 13 lives, and with CO decideing to shrink the range (due to lack of funds and resources ) to 3 inch tall things im out of that one  then this is for me a closing and end of the line i am missing a couple of big characters, Brigadier and Ainley Master, but i can pick them up at my leisure and whenever CO decided to get thumb out of their ass and just accept Ainley was the master for over a decade
and also last year i got Ace ,and at hi school i watched McCoy stories everyone pretty much and like him and his Dr and love Ace so this does feel like an end like ive done it ,
CO will only focus on the 70s and nothing but ,we got a couple of things from 80s ,if they do more ill pick some up that i like at my leisure but yeah im happy job done cabinet full

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you can see the build a figure figures as well there and my collection of Dapol and tat from over the years ,a fave being a bubble bath for the 25th anniversary warm nostalgia there

Then there is this ,this i had on my door (guess how it got wrecked) in 88 and i made it on my to do list this year to get and aint she gorgeous the poster was fresh in mag like the day it was released

DWM_FG_148This truly is my room and what a blast of nostalgia and how nice to have these things in it ,my who stuff  and my comic stuff ,how good it is for me to have back stuff i did have
so really is reaching completion few bits left to do

so aside from that what else is new

dvd-cover-template coa


Making DVD covers or re making them as the standard ones don’t float my boat and some stories i really like and would like proper covers for



Taking a die-cast Dalek and giving it a  repaint , one is pristine like the Dalek story after it just soaked up 1.21 gigawats of electricity
and the other now looks more dirty and battered and how we  see them now,
not easy ,plastic fine metal and weathering hard work, lots of trial and error but done

Now onto props and looking forward to sometime this year getting a Cyber head made then who knows

2 thoughts on “The Cupboard of Rassilon

  1. Nice to see you getting the Cupboard of Doom sorted out to a stage where you can actually appreciate yer stuff. It’s not the same when everything’s boxed up – for a start, you can’t see it!

    Good work on the DVD cover. How much of it is yours? The front cover art, is that yours or a found piece?

    Oh, and while I’m here – keep updating the blog! There’s no point doing it every few months, that won’t attract viewers.

    Carry on then. As you were…

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