millenium falcon after market parts

millennium falcon nightmares, well with a mpc kit you need after market parts


this shows you just  main parts the walls being the main piece i need and are not available currently

bens cockpit

this where im up to well its a start


i got this for a couple pound  years ago its a old early 80s kit, but having now finally started researched and done some things and  realizing scale of work ,my advice buy the fine molds off fee bay,3 hour build  job done enjoy the painting

now got a serious wad of cash ?, try master replicas variant, check this one out

Kits and Bashing

on my to do list and near top as has been waiting little over five years is this 1:72 scale


Bought done,sort of well lets say they glued it together and is missing bits that i will have to undo,I have the whole of this to do
A Great looking kit ive read many reviews some inaccuracies but seems well liked but i think it does look good

So on to rebuild im going to need to kit bash this as per original im not going for uber look but more accurate as the prop and model changed between film’s you can take a pick on some things
Some you can not ,So list is  side walls and engine areas and my totaly vacant cockpit with maybe some detail for the open ramp inside the rest of the model  as is

so reference ah good luck here refurbished for ESB ROTJ so many different models used


hows this for a behind the scenes shot


so the full size props differ in finish and some detail butwhat about the infamous hights lengths scale problems there the same so we have a baseline to go off right?,Wrong

32″ and five foot model there Photos can be so deceiving about shapes and then theres facts of different sizes

the difficulty of  building using consistency!

LOTS to do here then and ill be using styrene for fun as well as kit bashing and after market bits to the tune of about 30 pound
whats kit bashing ?, well the original was built using existing model kits a trick of the trade heres a great reference from the RPF forum


details details details

if you cant find this kit heres 2 other options Revel and part work,this sounds very cool

TV Zone

And second ive managed to finish a job from last summer



a Destiny prop, aka desert drone

I went as the props were really bad a worn used out in the harsh climate look so sandy wastes mines old nuclear bunkers Destiny of the Daleks

The props were so bad and so cheap and so poor this is one story that should never have been made i dont think, it docent work and is like a school play production the vac formed  Daleks taking staring center stage  to dodgy dug up Davros prop and mask yes this is the one where daleks grew legs,pick up your skirt and run
each prop was different finish even one found unused since Genesis some ive years before and sporting those darker colors they were loaned out over used a mess and no money to refurbish them
so heres my take on it for i do want one of each prop at least the bombs are just capsules and paint and glue this livery color is the one CO have not done they missed doing this one so i thought i would
Being banged up gave me license to practice weathering scraping chipping techniques etc really stands out in the collection


take a good look last time the classic console room was seen and used and leads me to

second thing i got hold of


I don’t have any authentic book props but saw  this new it (as been watching parts of Greatest show in the Galaxy recently) is cool and the Doctor juggling especially 7 is very nifty very him ,a quick prop

i like this story i remember it on broadcast

would love the time machine from the TV Movie


I am the master and you will Obey me


Been a while i know but i have some goodies for you

numero uno

as i have waxed lyrical my who i grew up with is 80s classic and my fave who villain is the master ,must be the Holmes enthusiast within me, So i grew up with Anthony Ainley as the Master but truthfully remember him from trial and mark of the rani and with Sylv it was later repeats on UK Gold i saw him with Number 5 , and of course the awesome Roger Delgado


I do like Ainleys interpretation yes it is camp what was requested ,but to me he was cat like, the smile the chuckle the light steps (Like Fred Astair, no one could skip along like Anthony) but he was good ,bonkers crazy obsessed with the Doctor and revenge ,a great line is from the Rani he makes things so complex im surprised he can walk strait,or words to that effect, which really sums him up i having i think seen all his adventures prefer Logopolis its a good intro and he works well with Tom i never understood what happened after Davison his appearances being sparse but as in later interviews he said there wasn’t much left for him  to do and he upset JNT with money requests for appearances he wasn’t getting, so he was relegated a bit to the sides ,either way i recommend watching him strut his stuff hes very good and the five drs is superb for him ,he had a crazy velvet costume that came from the same man that gave us Collins costume but he does make it work flick of the tails as he sits down  his dracula cloak being a neat addition in all its  theatrical

now CO did make a figure of the Master seen here (1980 /1990)


yeah something went wrong, this is a look based on the planet of fire story where he got for once to change costume to a suit except that is not the Master that is, in the story narrative, Chameleon the shape changing robot who had a dark suit on for the howard disguise / master disguise the master being shrunk and still in the velvet jacket number and in a box (Tissue Compressor Eliminator ,his ray gun, accident)

New jacket rubber vinyl otherwise its the simm Master and a let down this guy is famous for his velvet number and CO Made it plain were lucky to get this ,So what are you to do

Imagea good dig about in parts box some modelling grey sculpy green stuff paint and lot of creativity gave me the new body seen here admiring his new clothes

DSCF0727and i think the 5 drs console is perfect for the Master his machine is the more advanced model of the drs the MK3

Group shot

Imageand all together in the cabinet yes i know Pratt Traken variant i keep coming back to bits i need from that think should buy it

well hope you like my humble efforts i like this head sculpt repainting it getting the sneer the smirk in there several shades layer on layer made his TCE repainted more brown ot the hair line and gloss the various pieces like TCE eyes etc ,i put shading round his eyes add to the sinister element i had to make this head removable to

so new torso /Arms /Jacket full repaint and one Master

m 3


Just a realization  how important this Master is and a idea of just how much he covered
Controversial the 80’s may be but ignore them CO should not but will,there’s a LOT of good stuff in the 80s

so with this done only war/other dr missing im nearly complete so can really just take my time and enjoy cherry pick what i want ive got the Masters done
