Tom Baker the Fourth Doctor

Finally found a few moments to finish a job started a long time ago 
CO Classic figures love em got the main releases not a lot of specials bit rich for my pocket 
BUT yes 80s child but do love tom who dosent ?,plus most of my videos feature Tom and he was heavily featured in the Magazines my comics etc

So i have the season 12 the pyramids of Mars and seeds of Doom  figures,
Now just happen to be a bloke splitting up set of City of Death( Paris story ),

now had the other season 17 one from Destiny of the Daleks alas round the neck scarf when should of been a loop (a woops from CO), so made my own scarf, now the Destiny figure had the boots city shoes and the lapel badge and BIG scarf ,NOT the season 18 repainted as i thought new one 

 the look that inspired me 
thanks the purple one 

 wow,thanks mate,this was sellotaped to my wardrobe
from my  childhood and looking at this i remember i had the view master to   happy memories

so swap time kit bashing fun one i knocked up 

on new City of Death S 17 figure my made scarf thats it season 17 done,
Now take the Destiny of the Daleks season 17  figure,add the big scarf from city figure paint coat Chocolate Brown and gave him the hat smiling head from the Pyramids of Mars Figure (Made my own custom hat wearing head for that )   and voila becomes key to time /shada fourth doctor 

Now as i do not want repetition even if same Doctor so each Tom is different 

  • starting with regen a kit bash should be in nightgown and jacket but he is in 3rd drs outfit Planet of Spiders/Robot
  • Season 12 smiling no hat like in promo pics, sonic and lump of gold Revenge of the Cybermen 
  • Season 13/14 /15 Burgundy none smiling hat wearing (he wasn’t smiling or joking or had lot to laugh about in that story ) P.O.M sonic and time control from TARDIS
  • Season 13 /14 /15 grey wool number and green hat wide eyed expression bag of jelly babies and K9 open panel rusty Mk1 ,Leela era
  • Season 14 /15/16  the brown coat  Stones of blood smiling hat wearing sonic holding key to time era
  • Season 17 Pallet badge long scarf no hat older strait face sonic and holding brown hat  City of Death season 17 era
  • Season 18 older head K9 Mk2 sonic 

a compete line up and circle is complete of toms, also have the Peter in toms outfit from Logopilis  for this reason

the Dark destroyer

Well im going to make a brief blog  ,labored on enough about my likes and well i want a 5 drs Dalek and since the advent of the “Talkies” form CO here my opportunity
They call it the” Planet of the Daleks Dalek “,it is not, i told Alister Dewer this via twitter but he is insistent that it is correct ,no Dalek ever had grey appendages Al,show me the pic prove me wrong please

 sculpt to me perfect apparently not so -1 for that the horrible mold line for loose front round the boxes surely no need for this so – 1 
color is nice grey finally right shade for grey 70s Daleks after pale and blue greys so great looses a point on appendages and eye stalk housing being black 
speech is the let down so.. 
a nice classic Dalek, to joe blogs will be ,i am sure, spot on just depends on what your wanting ,come a very long way since the original fat 2 scale Bronze Daleks

Now this is still a nice Dark Grey Dalek ,(yes were this color in POD not just gun metal only one or two tho) 

Left 70s gunmetal R 70s grey

the speech is some fan mediocre sadly not a excerpt from the program sadly this lets it down but chance to single own Daleks brilliant 
The 5 Drs Dalek,….. oh where to begin with this prop,a Dalek made out of the rejects shelf or bin,but theres a reason for this 
Now not being to up on Dalek props i got this info off the web., some bits like dome/ skirt  i know already

Dalek One-7 lord mayors show

 prop parts dating back to early halcian days of the Daleks and Dr 1

 Skirt a former movie version misaligned hemis the giveaway first used in the chase as a “stunt Dalek” ,  shoulders from the first story , original dome/neck  that it had been paired with since the 1970s, new mechanics “A” frame that came in for turning the dome that lifted the dome to high and caused the spike through the dome  ,and side effect of neck lifted to compensate for raised dome ,
and all manner of BBC bits gun, arm ,neck, slap of emulsion guvnor?

it was a mess tatty with age badly painted and assembled a set of shoulder slats mostly broken,the mesh below top band  so shaped like a dogs hind leg, scuffed damaged hemis, and it was also sporting some strange oversize red lights, a really poor showing for the anniversary show and first and only Dalek since 74 to not include Davros  
It is hardly surprising the hasty repairs and state of the prop after its mammoth publicity stint and hired out for a nominal fee to all and sundry where it was heavily used abused, from press pictures to joe blogs garden party and supermarket openings etc during the late 70s ,as well as appearing in two stories  and end result was a very broken prop
Seen in Pebble Mill to promote Davison in silver and blue then in lord mayors float then on Breakfast time nationwide and other publications photographs and magazines 
this prop was  used to promote since 81 to feature in 4 stories until 89 (extensively refurbished  to match the molded style of all the newer props) and then go on as a exhibition prop until 2009 it had the back part cut away in order to become a “walk-in” prop for Doctor Who Exhibitions. to finally end its days both Half’s now restored to its last TV appearance, Remembrance of the Daleks by mike tucker restored and in private hands
pedigree Dalek


on location tho not filmed used in studio
Dalek 1/7 in filming Remembrance

been in this many times never new its history

So my take on this piece of history personal and show wise ,i remember it in 5 docs in collins story and in magazines,

so mine,take one of these

and some paint (Red Black Silver simple palette )and about fifteen minutes time( i already made the destroyed variant some years ago out of broken spare parts and bits very BBC i know) So i have it blown up i wanted it as a prop well for no reason other than nostalgia for me 

So after i finished painting i glossed Hemis to overly gloss BBC style mine have dents and scuffs from factory i have left ala BBC not overly neat more dry brush than actual paint grey sockets for appendages left so overall look is definitive BBC style 

Has a look of a mix of parts and hasty repairs going on and the red dome lights (red does help denote evil)  using a black pen to add the ring at bottom (Think this denotes Squad  leader for Daleks ,orange lights seen before and yellow on the props only one prop the rest usually white )
I really like this now how should of looked on TV pride of place next to its blown up version  

One of my all time fave Dalek styles

voila transmatting in after a surprise attack “retreat”


thanks to the purple one for advice

Doctor Who toy rant

As it says above so warning 

now last 3 years interesting time for a who fan merchandise wise classics getting bigger slice of pie and look in 
but like New toys some well odd choices mad yes it went to Forbidden Planet exclusives only and yes to BIG box sets that were simply crazy prices 40.50  pound each ,yeah good luck finding that and the twin pack a princely 25 a piece ,they were not to bad either you usually got a companion and a classic villain so Leela and Stor or fenderlean or something occasional single packs at around 18 20 pound mark 

Now here is weird part i wonder how many liquid lunches are taken as some strange things happening
we get packs like castrovolva pack a Masters column Tardis and peter d in the Keeper figure of toms body re use previous regen peter  head eh??????? its a Master box even has a shrunken victim in it whats the kit bash figure about we got a regen version a while back eh ?

and there was a leaked video of the range and the figures, some not released like Brigadier and Jo Grant ,Sutekh gold mummies etc and on it not one 80s Master we had him previously in a twin pack with Fifth dr wearing his hat and first two seasons outfit even tho its a Planet of Fire set and was a different costume thats ok but the Master was NOT in penguin suit but in a suit as per episode ,but ala narrative of story this was not the Master but the robot chameleon disguised as him

So not to see the Master represented even in prototype was odd this is the Master as played by Anthony Ainly 1980 to 1989 so i think safe to say definitive 
weird id call it and on fandom forums people have been asking and some even venting so much cage was rattled and one from the ivory tower ordained us with his presence to ask question Vortex Crystal a designer of packaging as far as i am aware working for the Character options group , now classics are made for Underground toys company aka forbidden planet aka gear for games etc so seems CO are out of it it is between Design works making and UT funding/ flogging them CO little involvement

Now why raise this to quote this gentleman for prosperity yes and plus got me thinking in discussions  

You’ve already had Ainley. Cannot justify the high expense to tool a body when the Master figure already exists. The fact that an existing body had to be used to make the Ainley Master figure possible should be a hint as to how much figures cost to originate. 
You, know it’s splitting hairs. You’ve had Ainley, as the Master. (The Kamelion part is just the story twist) That’s your Ainley figure. 

What a start BANG WE ARE OFF  

this is not so if it was then why spend money on sutekh etc why not use budget to make Ainly Master it dosent hold up this argument when looking at it obviously a lie excuse lame one at that, i highlight a few for my theory that happens to fit the facts all subjective but hey it fits the facts and im sticking to it 

In your heart of hearts do you really think it would sell by the bucketload? Anyway it’s just the next in the ‘demand-du-jour’, the list of those is as long as a very long thing.

But look at it in the cold light of day and you have your real answer.
 Again this makes no sense we are talking about the Master the Main villain of the series as seen from 80 to 89 and obviously most well known to people as was last one for classic series unless hardcore fan and know Delgado this is the Master published and marketed etc again BUll shit no sane adult could make this argument it doesn’t hold up

then again
I think it’s safe to say that more people want Sutekh than ‘another’ Ainley.  
WRONG  Classic as Sutekh is a legend and fan fave episode right up there dosent compare one story monster to the 80s Master

then a chap with user name terryterry said this the problem i see with classic range is, it seems to be a few old-skool who fans who are mates deciding on what to make and release, and if something is not one of that groups favourites it doesnt get made…yet.
i may be completely wrong but this is the impression i have gotten over the past 2-3 years classics releases. 

WOA back the truck up ding ding ding 
think about it look at the classic line it is not nor will it ever be as obscure figure all inclusive range as classics one yes worlds changed have to make what will sell costs and all that but lets just do a very quick simple maths line up  

ok Excludeing Daleks and Cybermen as lets face it they sell there the Bigest of the Big boys in whoniverse 

 60s Hartnell / ……..nothing ,Troughton/ Ice Warrior  
70s Pettwee ,Tons from axons to autons, sea devils ,Master, Omega he has even got a hand puppet Drashig 
T Baker, tons again in fact line is heavily focused on him and his era to many to mention but tons of stuff especially focusing on Hinchcliffe years 

80s P Davison Sharaz Jek/ C Baker Sil/ S McCoy……Nothing

hello hello knock knock

see a pattern here think the poster has a very valid point and going off poster we saw more 70s mainly Hinchcliffe tom stuff hmmmm
reminds me when the classic line was very first announced in what 2008 Fifth Dr sans celery icon part of costume always on didnt like it so CO didnt get it made then thought it was jolly good laugh in a interview how gave to USA with celery ,
at wim of fanboys?

well its fiftieth next year im saving what i can for then i hope not to be disappointed ,we shall see so far and how can we know truly but going off so far it bodes not to well yes 70s were a golden era and hinchcliffe bob homes definitive in the look style of program and yes that era is well known but really there is more to who 
To blatantly dismiss the Master is a very big mistake and big missed opportunity
 am i going to get het up?…,no,reason i dont care ,
Make my own or wait they said no TARDIS classic ones no special weapons Dalek etc so we shall see
just had to post this its so crazy you cant make it up interesting tho

proves one thing 
I was wise to pick and choose thankfully nto a completest, watch this space may be a few years but you watch

Doctor who -Toy Stories

 thought i would use this as my personal repository and toy box and some what catalogue ,while having fun along the way

so this post will be pics of settings and scenes of my Who toy’s enjoy ill update as new stuff comes in and a brief sentence of what’s what 

The Tardis 05

Like the Character Options Box i enhanced modified and improved the console room play-set and finished it off it is now in situation of the “Who Store” Blackpool permanently on display 

The TVM 7th/8th Doctors Tardis 

Brachaki refit 66/76

Death to the Daleks 

Renovation of the Daleks pt1

Well this weekend was busy one for me,
moment of financial madness not got the money for it but sod it had shopping spree in halfords ,how exciting well it was for a 8 yr project as in 8 yrs waiting and this recent move (mentioned in a previous log entry) was found my old Sevans Dalek and it was frankly a mess the skirt was good (I take pride in my seam work, and good seam work demands a high degree of stability between neighboring parts. Without that, a little bit of flexi can introduce cracks in your carefully-sanded putty paint etc . So I’ve reinforced each panel with styrene strips so skirt is solid  ) the dome fine the neck ok but the rods were snapped or missing and the shoulders woooooooooooooooo
Bad Bad Bad the boxes holding appendages was bust crumpled generally completely knackered so new everything slats mesh the lot BIG job would barely make a exterminated version as it looks now

Tool Time 🙂 Love that show

Although the Sevans range of self-assembly model kits originally emerged in 1984  mine is from 1991 and is a bit of Hybrid of kit parts ,some older 80’s bits and newer bits i also have Davros MK1 Micheal Wisher version,
The original models were nigh-on impossible to assemble and took the average model maker several weeks or even months to put together. The 1990s models were simplified and made easier to assemble.   But barely not a lot changed still vac formed plastic of various thickness and you had a lot of assembly including each skirt panel and part to individually cut and glue while carefully removing it from the sheet of other parts in the plastic, and usually this involved a Stanly knife gaffer tape and a large bottle of plastic weld  
 these are 12″ high and 1/5 scale
 The Dalek kit retailed for around £16 (with inflation that’ll be the equivalent of around 30 quid now).

  so i went shopping new Car mesh some plasticard thin flexible type and oooooooo look here “Rover tempest Grey” i heard about this on Dalek forums and these guys n gals are Legion about Daleks i have often believed there are Doctor Who fans and then there are Dalek fans and this they go on about being right for the Genesis aka 70s Dalek and i read somewhere used on K9 to (The latter bit of  information would come back to Haunt )
As i looked and decided to work out what it was i was doing i noticed the skirt now removed on its own and remembered making it ,There appears to be a problem with the four panels that sit right at the front of the skirt: basically, the top contour of the frame for these panels doesn’t match the bottom contour, so to install the panels you need to  twist em ,which i didnt know at the time is actually how a original shawcraft skirt was so its a 60s skirt that made my mind up, movie shoulders ,The BBC props were by the 70s a mixed affair part original part Movie Dalek(Given to the BBC were movie Daleks for use with there TV counterparts) and BBC touch ups well there is one plain gun eye and sucker for BBC bits so why not a bit of the movie to ? que research into movie shoulders and i deided BIG big shoulder bands as the props were bigger and have the full length mesh slats

 OK so stripped Sanded and prepped luckily i still have all original sevans paper work so was able to use the template for shoulders mesh and bands and old slat as template for the slats

then i sprayed and oh WOW what a grey perfection ! i can see why they rave on and on about it great stuff looks brilliant dark and just ,Grey < no added colours the CO version has blue in it this is just Grey

also i have now re-clad remade the boxes out of a cigarette packet card was perfect thickness and some deft scalpel work 2 new boxes done and ready   

one time later i am now at the wait let cure and start affixing appendages i picked the gun up and it promptly fell in half  ,whats that saying that rhymes with cat ?
so dremmel out drill it and somehow the ball joint ,insert rod and use aroldyte and now im at the waiting praying and curing stage next is acrylic black for neck (Nice and matt) and enamel black (just enough of a sheen) for hemis fender and sucker and eye

Special Weapons Dalek

I have a friend who dabbles in fibreglass and resin and he sent me parts to a SWD (Special weapons Dalek)

it was OK typical what you expect from resin really bit dodgy lots of sanding until elbows ache and filling in, but what fun found a Classic Dalek got my Hack saw and removed the skirt and then onto prime and layer and sand and prime ad infinitum etc

the Dalek i have to confess is one of the “oddball” Daleks as there known and i like it, i grew up watching the 7th doctor and this is one of my favorite story’s of his from the 25th anniversary year
it has lots of continuity references from the shows history but its just a really good story by Ben Aronovitch who also wrote some of my favorite new adventures books it has the theme threads picked up from previous story and here once again we have 2 rival Dalek factions the imperial white gold livery Daleks and the standard or renegade Daleks in grey and black with black silver supreme (Personally hate that title makes me think of a Dalek cake or something )

The imperials also posses the special weapons Dalek ,if a Dalek is a Tank this is the heavy artillery able to vaporise 2 Daleks with one shot the Dalek survival guide book and Target book adds many colourful layers to this creature and also a name “The abomination”
This Dalek was a heavily-armoured purpose built Dalek a kind of prototype with enhanced defensive capacities and even greater offensive capacities. and in the Dr Who comic “Nemesis of the Daleks” (Brilliant story featuring Dr 7 and Absalom Daak if you can get to read it do its worth it ) it is also seen in the renegade Dalek ranks
It has been stated that the enormous power source required for its weapon resulted in high levels of radiation being released and altering the structure of the Dalek’s brain, resulting in insanity.
It was only used in extreme situations and was unofficially known among the Daleks as the Abomination,the Special Weapons Daleks has fire-power fifty times more powerful than the output of the standard Dalek gun stick,so very handy in a fire fight, if it doesn’t blow its fellow Daleks up as well as the enemy and the surrounding area and itself it is also leaking a smelly ooze due to this radiation i suppose its frothing more than usual

I really like its character and the fact its a homicidal maniac even by Dalek standards insane self aware and most likely to blow everything up including the friendly Daleks it is with so it is hated and feared by other Daleks this is food for the imagination and something i really like something makes you think putting ideas into practical reality already thinking of scorch marks radiation burns internal fluid leaks ,
i do intend to make best of this as i can and consider it a ongoing project more i learn and if i think something would look good being added it will
So got lot more detailing and weathering & have noticed virtue of the fact a classic shawcraft style skirt which is wrong as these were more vertical and the actual top is tall and thin making this tad inaccurate but intimidating and does look good for me I’m happy and that’s all that matters to me and just found out these Daleks were some 6 inches taller than standard Daleks any way