Cold storage

Well Mrs has her mother here so all very foreign i amuse myself and let her spend time with mother
I have been trying to work out with all my well crap thinking about looking at storage costs if i an just store a lump of it defiantly want to whittle down what is important and leave the rest do not need all that is here and just few things as really to much had good clear out 3 years ago obviously not enough 

there is of course e bay as well as bin so much to sort i like idea of floating and working stuff in storage have suitcase will travel
Still in need of work so prepared to go any where and well i love Manchester very much and where i currently live but would like to travel and work and look at emigrating closer 
so going to ponder on with work and look at in meantime down sizing all this junk it is to much 
and thats not simple for a man such as me but shall be done

What else to say well new who stuff out hmmm if i see it think my hobby needs a trim as well move stuff on free expenses up but im defiantly going to do it 
as well crack on with college work if the i macs work at collage on Monday night big IF
camping in spare room is fun i do like idea of pics in here easy to take up put down not much inconvenience just feel sluggish not doing enough at all

well after feeling meh i shall re double starting getting off here i have a box to recover so if anything interesting happens i will note it down

not another day

not recovered from operation shock and awe ,yet, but i will have to say……………………
My god what a day, go dentist get teeth fiddled with, that was fun, bleed like a boxer
had a good friend ask me where i lived as i was walking out the door needed my address, its ok only known them five years
and that was unfortunate as i do like talking to her she has a unique voice, and is a lovely lady (Im getting punched for making her sound old )and not spoke to her in a bit
I returned the call upon returning from the Dentist then crack on with this pre collage prep stuff (backside still squeaking btw)
I had all but given up on making a effort trying with people for them to just be arses ,waisting my precious time but then something happens to restore your faith ….
Then i got a delivery man knock on my door,nothing unusual just befuddled as to what i had ordered don’t remember ordering anything but as is programed in us you let them in and i opened the door to look at a rather tall gangly fella holding a slip of paper

 As my eyes went up from the paper i noticed something familiar in a shirt and this face seemed dimly reminiscent and then he said he had a purple blancmange for me, i just stood rooted in shock god knows what i must of looked like
It was my old mucker from londoniam 🙂
Ecstatic i can not tell you joygasam but what on earth is he doing on my doorstep ? this is Manchester he must of been really lost ,as my now clouded head was trying to compute this and the surge of emotion riding high in me i got a tad dizzy not knowing what to say or do
He had deliberately paid a visit to yours truly and WOW there he stood in my lounge
it was sadly all to brief but i can not begin to say how good it was to finally see him younger than i thought everything else as per
It was like reuniting with a long lost brother i was over the moon he took time out from work to visit me what a guy 🙂
we talked had a drink and showed some of our common interest and my horde of crap
and talked so much to say and no time to say it in
whats next the wife on my door tomorrow ?
 It was fantastic to see you and i still find it difficult to believe you were stood in my lounge
thank you a thousand thank you’s and oh my god and wow
made my month

Who do you think you are ?

perWell hello there,
Busy ol time of late ,so what is new?
well being a typical boring hum drum day (widow Twanky eat your heart out )  but new stuff has happened which is of interest to me and makes sense in my world 
Well we are full steam ahead for the future and dare i say it future proof ,
I am a Graphic Designer (sounds like the pirate king tune ) Career (Insert laughter here) of choice.
 I had a long break out, want back in, really not satisfied doing much else to be fare so im way, way out of touch, spot in the distance out of sight ,so i enrolled at collage borrow some funds here save there voila im in 
Ever done a job and thought im bored to tears and what am i doing here thats most jobs to me 

Oh but better much better i milked it i got 2 for one
 i envisaged one course as that is what i saw within remotely my price range ,but as i fretted about needing two ,and where do i find that sort of money ?,see most courses to get back up to speed were looking at 700 ,1000 pounds plus, well unless i win lottery i am out
I kept chipping away and now i have the course first i thought just photoshop now i have both photoshop and adobe illustrator (Adobe programs are industry standard art pc packages used on macs) 

So im in local collage….ish, and two night courses in around two month duration so head down milk it and home study in between, make this really work !, this is truly last chance saloon here and i got big plans for my future, that don’t involve the UK 

Im going great guns health wise,swimming is fun, getting tons from the counselor,still mad as  box of frogs don’t worry ,and still got creative juices flowing, ,just in a slightly better place given time i will get there if nothing im a fighter ,who said being stubborn is a bad thing ?
Finding more about me, you cant see wood for the trees, and then your eyes are opened and new thoughts take place, re wiring of the brain here re thinking and you know at first a shock and does leave you with tons to think about ,and some things i was right about 
a wall is useful and attitude is a necessity,keep yourself to yourself do what you gota do, and sod em all   
I have truly gotten far away from me as a person, and far away from who i am
i am in need of getting back to the energy the raw experiments the try  and if i like go with  i feel stagnated and rusty ,so heres to future
Now if i can only stop being permanently knackered  

you have no rights

this is true witty and scarily accurate watch listen learn,most of all pay attention

and if you want some serious entertainment look up and follow all these ,the man is genius

a hero of mine and the world is a much sadder place without him ,no one speaks the truth about the world we live in like him
He inspires me and made me look even harder at this thing called life

Games we play

I think from my blogs it is very clear and plain what interests me ,But it seems looking at forums on the subject matter opinion is divisive as to what classes as a “Adult hobby”

All my life i have heard it from narrow minded small minded talentless wonders with the imagination of a plank of wood,Some even in my Family

Real men play sports , OK, so did i,,I also do Martial arts AI KI DO and did like to box, am i less of a man i do this also ?
lets break it down intellectuality

I have a home based hobby ,Ok I collect display Kitsch ,pop art, memorabilia ,choose your own term
ashamed ?,No , Embarrassed,No proud , completely  took years to build this up to any decent level and damn looks good there’s pieces dating back some years and modern pieces relating to old stuff

Is a Art gallery childish for having paintings or a pile of bricks on display ?

I don’t care what anyone thinks it is mine it is personal and it in no way effects me or my judgement as a adult or human being

as for being not what REAL men do OK so is it less childish than kicking a inflated pigs balder round a field with 22 other men like you do when your 5 or 6 ?
You been into it since as far back as you can remember well same for me 

“Its Gay” , you hear this a lot as well,Really Gay is it so im homosexual because i have a creative imagination and into something different ?

Hang on im going to collectamania and other events surrounded by girls in cos play outfits,
 I hang out with girls more than happy to dress as princess leia’s slave girl outfit ,Superhero anime costumes or have other such outfits in there wardrobe etc ,and you lot 21 men  just took a shower/Bath  together
Yeah right, what’s more  gay ?

so gay

I wear my T shirts with pride im happy and bothering no one,you know what i say don’t like it ? “Get a life” and leave mine the heck alone

wannabe wandering about in his replica football shirt .

When these Real men have the guts to do something on there own as a individual, and not follow like lost sheep every one else  and have the courage of there own convictions, ill listen to them ,im sure it will make for interesting listening

Thank you for the days

I want to sit a minute right here and tell you about one of my first loves,

The 1980s were largely devoid of any Doctor Who toys until 1987 model makers Dapol (Dapol was formed by Dave and Pauline Boyle hence the name Dapol) launched their range of Doctor Who toys.
In 1994, while the company was moving to its  location at Llangolen in North Wales, a huge fire destroyed the old site at Winsford  Manchester , and large quantities of products were destroyed. including moulds for there TARDIS console, Llangolan  also hosted the ‘BBC Doctor Who Experience’ exhibition until 2003,Dave Boyle went on to run the Doctor Who exhibition in Blackpool until its closure in 2010
Dapol were particularly good at making inaccurate toys, and these included an infamous five-sided TARDIS console, a two-handed Davros and a green K9.

But that’s not the important bit that is just company stat’s,no what’s important is these were Doctor Who toys ,no more using Star Wars figures as a substitute (although the bespin Luke as Dr 5 did make a return i recall) actual Dr Who figures the nearest i had ever come was to my Dennis Fisher Dr 4
Now here in “3 1/2  glory were ACTION FIGURES of my favorite show on TV ,Over the planet zog bet your sweet pippy i was 
I played for hours and hours in the Garden up a mountain in Wales (5 Dr s never seemed so real) my imagination ran riot    
 well this move I have come cross a rather special box that caused my eyes to well up and my stomach to not, my beloved Dapol who figures 

These to me are what the original Star Wars figures are to Star Wars fans ,
Yes we have the all singing all dancing shiny bells and whistles variety from Character Options but these are the originals you might say 

And like the aforementioned figures of that other franchise these are special ,stiff limited movement likeness is ropey but there kids toys there fun   that’s exactly what they were made to be and they do it with aplomb,Retro ? certainly now they have the “Kitsch” value.

I look back as a jaded bitter adult and say inaccurate rubbish,  but hang on the last Dalek story for Dapol as the program went off air in 89 was remembrance and look there copying THAT style not bad considering  (and have looked at the all new Imperial from CO and thought it looks like a Dapol Dalek) and only time, so far you can get a classic console (officially )

This Puppy right here Dr Who 25th anniversary set ,this was a Birthday present my Dad went to the factory in winsford to collect and saw a “12 Dr 7 that never happened , and i went to see “Doctor Who “The Ultimate adventure” at Manchester Opera house staring Jon Pertwee as the Doctor (a Man i would meet a good few times like a respect a great deal ,and to think it all started with a VHS of “Death to the Daleks”) 
Love i adored it TARDIS inside and out,Dr Mel and K9 wasn’t to sure who K9 was only read about him in books (ah the innocent world of the none digital age where you went to the library and actually got out and read a book )

Dr 7 has a pet dog ? cool i was up for that it was green ,? Like i cared ,pull it back it go’s forward so this was me set for many a happy hour and my Parents well deserved quiet 
actually now i think about it i remember pulling the K9 back and forward to wind the mechanism ,fine,but scored my mums mahogany table in the dining room in the process (Hard plastic front wheel) ,I remember  one of my Daleks melting as i t was to near my nan’s coal fire (my first exterminated Dalek)  oh happy innocent days 

I remember baiting my poor mother further by using her nail varnish to help make a Dr 5 one of my earliest who memories is a wall with a face and Dr 5 so had to have one cue Dr7 and some paints ,now where’s dads humbrols ????

Any one remember the Star Bird space ship toy ? the one you switch on point up made a acceleration noise point down deceleration noise light up firing lasers on the front removable front?

say hello to my Dalek and Cyberman war machines  oh yes the Starbird and the Big Trak (Programmable roving robot no less and firing proton cannon ) these carried my armies into battle fuelled with the offerings of the Americana marvel comics (Loved the werewolf one,and my summer special the iron legion) and the books Target in particular sort to fuel my fevered imaginings 
These served as my fleet ,Frontier in space novel done with ? want to relive the Draconian police ship and the earth and draconian battles no problem 
I remember taping my figures to the Big Trak never seen a Cyber army go into battle like it the trailer with Daleks tipped out on the patio rolling around deployed to destroy
George Lucas and episode one, battle tanks and droids ,small fry doing it as a kid 

so i present to you the grand offerings of my once mighty Dapol army (Master, K9 grey & Black are somewhere else tucked away) (The soldier is from another set i collected Action Force who served well as my UNIT force and there vehicles ) and hope dear reader somewhere you to have fond memories of golden summers and rainy afternoons 


all that Jazz

“What is the meaning of life ?”
Well i know what it means to me ,Sadly there dead and gone, so you drift aimlessly  until something new comes along ,
I have moved to a gorgeous area in a nice if old fashioned apartment and move in day was fun rushing to get van back so where do my prize possensions wind up ?,In the car park,ever been so sore it hurt to move even breath ?,that was me on my own lumping my goods in ,
 Work is short in coming BUT i am trying isn’t that what it is about ?
I cant believe how house proud i am now or the realisation of just how down i was where i was change was defiantly as good as a rest
so here is a really quick catch up of my current situation,

i have returned to the old town recently for a sad occasion a dear close good friend suddenly passed on ,it was heart wrenching shock ,Proof if any were needed that you can literally be dead tomorrow no illness no reason there and then gone deep vein thrombosis was the eventual diagnosis so quick
I tell you this as i know i have changed my attitude in a awful hurry, I always was am and will be a rule breaker “What i wana do when i wana do it ” ,is and forever shall be my creed, But this brought it home like a sledge hammer to the skull so im redoubling and pressing forth no more wasted time and im defiantly enjoying myself more, Free of inhibitions that do otherwise hold us back as a species ,Should i do it ? but what if ? ,Sod it do it worry later enjoy and live to the fullest

And i am enjoying spending time and actually talking to friends ok im a guy, so i dunno not in our DNA to go mushy and say how we feel about each other but im certainly taking a keener interest and those who are close one in particular in a recent phone call reminded me it has been more years knowing each other than either would care to admit, listening to him now with family how life changes he is still the eccentric Bohemian I  connect with and his lovely kind sweet wife, feels bad not been down seen the kids but soon it shall be sorted although will be a announced arranged visit  ,As said kind ,sweet wife will swiftly remove from me something vital and add them to her trophy cabinet with her husbands , dumb yes, stupid no,
And my other friend is expecting twins ,well his wife is  that otherwise would be weird, so more sprogs and kaled mutant esque  around  so going to be broke and busy boy where is that job ??
Realised a lot of friends have either gone or moved on so taking a real care of those left life changes part of the fun, I still think and feel 19 I do not recognise that guy in the mirror what’s going on ?
 now back to touching up the homestead and getting stuff sorted cleared a lot of old tat and old stored stuff that’s not seen daylight for years and feels good to be better organised sorted out long ,long road ahead though now where’s my coffee……………


positives this was place for me i loved it i want to live in America maybe Portland i don’t know but definitely want to live there i loved the city the beach the people the food it was great well USA over with a sumerily dumped in the airport complete no show BUT i managed to have a nice vacation and came away with a lot of positive thought

negative my would be friend left me and didnt turn up
arrive or show so i was left in LAX but booked into a motel and i enjoyed my self none the less