A Box by any other name

Done it ! ,finished “MY” 80s box aka TARDIS 
Yes sir mine  remnants of the store bought version stripped and total rebuild and custom lengthy paint job and weathering unique to the model ,kinda like you do with some props
I really enjoyed this ,sometimes,painful other times not
took a LOT of figuring out and trial error and a ton of research 

For me i like to know how a object works ins and outs of the cats bum way i am
If its clothes its nice to know where seams are and stitching fasteners etc and so on your model or replica or miniature you can replicate this ,
How was it built ? material ? techniques ? , if you know this you can apply it and get a even more realistic looking model and really ramp it up 
that bit is  wood so make yours look like it was made out of wood they used a sponge to paint it so ,use a sponge to paint it  
weathering conditions if any that may effect the object ,The props useual home is a Muddy sandy dusty coal slate quarry of some kind,
the TARDIS is exposed to lots of inclement weather and soaking wet muddy ground or partly buried mostly to hide the wheels and knackered base ,so this needs to be taken in account   
a prop doing a ten year long duty used again and again flat packed and assembled constantly
by people who realy do not care about the prop ,and have neither the money or time to spend on it looking after it ,it traveled abroad,importantly its been broken repaired a lot ,from changes in sign graphics new doors swapping parts with its sister build later on 
It was around for a decade saw four lead actors play the Doctor , 8 companions a robot dog numerous guest stars crammed in her and went on many numerous photographic and advertising promotion  skits being treated with little to no care 

On location rumour is abound of the mistreatment of the prop from a rubbish bin to other uses  
Constantly retouched with paint dont forget and it is fiberglass and that can split crack and wear it is not the strongest of materials 
It at one point was abused by having squibs explode on her and was even shot with a arrow ,all in a days work ,these things must be taken in consideration the realism depends on this 
more you can play with and get in ,better the end result 

Best example here i can give you is this
The police box signs on the prop there perspex you know like you see on shop signs just plastic maybe hand painted lettering ,so to recreate this look knowing what that looks like ,printed on acetate then back painted by hand and then cut applied done now as light bounces off and the blues change color just like  the prop did ,i can match shots and screen grabs off the DVD 

Exception is if it is gonna look real naff eg Daleks brush painting (I kid you not and a roller in emulsion) a Dalek not good especially in mini form 
something people forget a lot and i did to, is ,yes common place to have 47/60  inch TV plus size in living room Hi Def pictures can see stitching in the actors buttons on his shirt the works ,erm no such thing when this was out and on,
TVs were 18 inch 24 i think was one in our lounge it certainly was big and not flat screen either,
its shot on videotape by a camera that’s used for outside broadcasting or at best in studio a camera used for recording the news , so your not going to notice a huge amount of things, like a hand brush painted Dalek do that in real world and people will be asking you “what did you paint your Dalek with?,a Fox tail?

 ,so think common sense, research research research DVDs remastered espcially now on these big super TVs really do show the old props up ,having recently watched Death to Daleks on the new remastered DVD ,It was like watching a episode id never seen ,despite owning VHS and watched a million times half the TARDIS Control room set is missing its so dark before i never realized and thats not exactly fine detail ,every crack lump dent crinkle wrinkle brush stroke on the Dalek props there to see ,and i can zoom in on it !

for me this is beyond model it is a miniature good enough to be filmed really I’m that proud

filled sanded smoothed

 This shows lengths i went to completely stripped and the doors like walls filled for the fiberglass smooth finish texture later from paint and ever so slight texture that is evident in the fiberglass,here
 removed the phone panel cubby hole ,rebuilt the phone, new plastic in the windows left frosted ones on the doors new base, re clad first step add wall divides to roof rebuild roof top ,remove lamp ,base and top of roof to access wires ,add new base ,lamp,struts,cap  total re wire this thing is not made very well at all in fact very cheap make wires like cotton so my advice
rip it all out start again 
using a proper fresnal from a money box on and on we go sort the covering of speaker grill change battery cover to be less conspicuous 

built now first coat

it was filler primer yellow, industrial ,then grey primer than black now a nice rich dark blue this gos on and on layer brushed stippled dry stroked and cloth rubbing and rub off on and on and on

under coats and pre shading

Now were at washes stage and on they went black blue /black /blue .brush paint to blend on and on
then i got to tidy up with a wild water shade of paint on top dry brush layer on layer pre shadowing under making sure thats visible
then pastels then charcoal and chalk to make dust , some mistakes so start again ,on what i was doing removing stuff gently with paint thinners ,ever tried removing charcoal mistake?,Nightmare

 I love weathering! Weathering does not just add realism to a model, but is very much a personal statement of the modeler; it is arguably the most personally interpretive and creative process of model making. It is the aspect of model making I look forward to the most!,
so damn good job to here ,weathering is fun and creative ,gets the juices going i even used indian ink for running in crevices and did some rust runs under handles and locks with burnt umber

  Take some .0000 steel wool and rub down the entire model ,trust me ,rub weathering away from high areas and vary the hue of the paint from raised panels.
 You can vary the subtlety with the amount of rubbing.be gentle go very slow i took a entire wet sunday and most of monday,
 This also where that primer/ under painting comes in very handy, scrubbing will expose the undercoat  as an ,well, a undercoat. the steel wool also smooths the overall surface so be careful NOT for the faint harted ,i also take my scalpel and scrape pieces away exposing many layers of paint finish it off finalise it
 and then quick spray of semi laqour and matt finish aptly called top coat ……….you get  

80s Tardis


The Season 18-20 front or back doors
Tardis planet land

A five minete play in Photoshop came up with this to illustrate my point 
a gem if not the crown jewel in my collection,i made it
it is as accurate as can be and not that is seen by others a lot ,everyone who has seen it has genuinely been impressed and liked it 
Including Sophie Aldred who played Ace the seventh Dr’s companion and Nicola Bryant who played Peri the sixth Dr’s companion ,so they used the actual prop this is based on copy from
it is also on the base signed by them and a tough crowd while in que to meet them of die hard who fans and some prop builders
and best of all one my best friends a dedicated prop builder TARDIS enthusiast likes it that for me is the seal of approval he dont know it yet ,but he is signing it to

scale model TARDIS 3

Well as i left you in antici………..pation

 dusting /buffing

1988 mk 1 with added blocks to hold walls in place

I now decided to turn my attention to creating a dusty look on the Tardis 

This involves pastels (another technique i picked up ) scraping with a scalpel the grey pastel i got a powder in a small pile on my pallet,with this like in the video i applied it in a dusting top to bottom motion using a old soft brush and did small amounts and layered it up( observe the results under different lights including outside in daylight which i forgot to do so it was originally to much ) making sure i got all recesses and step and nooks on the roof in the detail anywhere dust could fall and form (personally think this really ads realism to the model of the prop) it had a added bonus of evening out my paint work ,i worked access off with a really stiff brush

I repeated this on the windows and as well as grey i used Gold Ochre 
end result has been a nice weathered natural dusty look from storage out on filming basically in use as a active prop

ok little over exposed here, we have had some really bright sunny days but you should get the idea and see all techniques used thus far

hopefully can see the preshading still with added shadows recess discolours  from the various washes  and the  grey dust cover (all been done really subtle as I’m working in 13 scale and didn’t want to drown it nor detract from the overall look effect of the box ) and colour pastel brush
Also should see the windows now done i like how the pastel wash pooled in the corners ,looks like its dirt gathered over the years very nicely to me
yellow was chosen ,due to various colours the windows were again a pain with this prop theres so many looks from purple panes to clear to grey ,but theres pretty much always been a yellow tinge and in research i found this is due to the cobex it was made from it is like GRP inherently yellow that and added fact of dirt and filth i thought a combo of grey yellow would work although it sounds wrong

Wet Pastels

I moved on to the wet pastels technique. This technique calls for the mixing of black and brown pastels with Tamiya thinner and applying this mix around locks handles , bolts, along seams, crevices and some shadow areas. This is a favourite technique used by Japanese modellers and is highly effective in accentuating shadow areas.
I did this with charcoal and brown pastel
I dipped my ’00’ brush into Tamiya thinner (and some water)  then into the pastels. I mixed the pastels until they diluted in the thinner and then I drew the brush along cracks, seams and around door handles and locks 
This has started to now bring the model to life for me 
now I’m onto  paint chipping flaking to show the layer or a  layer of paint under the original (Will be lighter shade) like seen on the prop after much use and between touch ups and a lot on the base with grey to realy show the wear on the base having been the main area in contact with the ground, actors boots, being buried in the ground on location etc
I will also add this to the corner posts mainly to show where it has been handled on location filming etc,
oh and use reference photos to death


Scale model Tardis 2

I remember drawing colouring in this box many times, i liked how it was blue and dirty “Like my bike” 
Now a cynical Adult i see it as the best prop ever ,Details abound from 3 step roof to steps above the doors to the quadrants on the posts etc  , colours (Even when almost black with filth) , shape size geometry ,being GRP Fiberglass so easy to transport , its look  in general and profile  its the business s far as a TARDIS in the guise of a Police Box go’s

so you can guess i wanted /want one 
then here comes CO and half attempt then i got stuck in 

I went for less TARDIS on TV and more prop so even did the S18 19 back doors also seen in ghost light 

She is generic based on look of S18/19S25 /26 overall look of the TARDIS  as this is basically what she did look like with moments in between of extreme dirt or overly bright flat finishes so with a decade of looks i chose something just TARDIS with the flat small lamp

construction and begining

so now my kit has been take apart and i have added details like the top of the wall devide going above the sign boxes and now added a new lamp and shorter base for the lamp and shorter base for the box 
Next i added detail to simulate 22o angle on the panels and windows and sanded all moulded texture off 
I also then took to the lintels (Police box signs) and extended them the correct length after measuring and marking them out adding some plasticard to the length for support and backing and then this was filled in and using tools for detail shaped the frame
i then liberally covered it in model filler like squadron putty and with a technique i leaned added thinners to allow it to run sooth and into cracks this was sanded several times then all imperfections dealt with until end result was a flat smooth grp (fiberglass) looking box 

i base coat with Halfords grey primer ,sanded it and resprayed several times with windows and phone  panel masked off (i wanted to retain current sign as was manufactured and was relatively accurate for the box i was doing also liked the look of it ) 


pre-shade the entire box in black. Generally, I would apply my base paint right to plastic. However, this step is a means of making the tone of the surface colour uniform all-over. I used Tamiya Black TS14 out of an aerosol can. It is important to paint lightly and make certain to reach all of the little nooks and crannies. Let it dry and repeat with another light coat of same and essentially, you are left with a kit which has been completely obliterated with thin layers of black paint and not one bit of the grey primer is showing through. 
Once this had completely dried, I painted in Dulux wild water thinned down with water and done with a almost dry brush  each layer was applied lightly, once the previous coat had dried. 
This essentially produces a definitive blue colour on flat surfaces whilst leaving corners and shadows with an almost black dark blue tone. 
This is the result of less base paint reaching those hard to get areas, and is a very desirable effect. Hence, the pre-shade of black paint with blue applied, on top, in light coats created a visual tonal contrast between highlights and shadows. When this was completely dry, I turned my attention to  ‘filter’ techniques described in several  Military Modelling articles. 

I covered select areas in thinners (testors) to break the surface tension  and then set about painting it (very diluted in thinners.) Humbrol enamel matt blue 26  making sure to evenly cover the entire kit. Once the filter had dried, it left a nice overall darker tone to the surface ready for weathering 

Pin Wash 

After dry brushing entire model in my chosen shade of wild water prussian blue and white i decided to start to pin wash the lighter Tardis colour
It’s another thing i read on various military and scale modelling web sites and forums this addressed a issue i had of not wanting to spoil my kit by drowning it n a wet wash all over but get the shadows and dirt in there that i wanted
essentially a games workshop acrylic black and flat earth brown mixed and thinned with water restricting this to all of the nooks and crannies and seam lines with an ’00’ brush. 
The kit was beginning to take on a nice weathered look. In fact, the filter combined with the pin wash  greatly enhanced the look of the finish and dry brush on top finished it off nicely

 I then took my acrylic art paint set in tubes and I re-applied yet another pin wash around some of the locks handles and  bolts with Burnt Sienna mixed with water to further accentuate the details
I let this dry for about two days in a dust-free  box for a few days as it was very wet that cold feel thats damp and takes ages to dry

and then did nothing for longer than i planned and xmas came went and got on with life and now im back at the kit again 
and researching again (see never stops) and came across on the modelling forums a man gos by the name of scale model medic and a video on you tube and watched his techniques and one really struck me 

Buff Dust Treatment 

I now decided to turn my attention to creating a dusty look on the Box from being in those dark dusty corners of prop storage, and left in dusty locations and warehouses/ deserts fields /quarys/road sides etc .

This was a return to art school and lots of chalk charcoal and pastels and the death of a lot brushes  


for now enjoy this informative video




The Third Doctor

Enjoyed reviewing the 7th Doctor so i thought after watching “The Carnival of Monsters” (to catch up ,get up to speed with CO latest toy releases,just got seeds of doom and others to cover ) id cover another Dr
One i remember as a child at 9 or 10 in his video “Death to the Daleks” i liked him he was different his style was unique even as a child this Doctor stood out as something all together different he was as i remember exciting and still is,and i loved his console room i remember finding it erie, it has become my favorite console if not favorite room that belonging to the 4th and 5th Dr’s version
A protector is how id some him up, and he will take physical action if necessary not in a crude way ,unlike the sixth Dr thugishly beating up opponents or killing them while smiling and with quip remarks but with class and style. Venusion aikido, that looks like real world  ju jitsu and judo (Probably something Jon himself practiced at sometime in his numerous activities )

This was a Five year era that gave us the Barry  Letts /Terrance .Dicks team (with Bob Holmes writing stories and creating many iconic villains) ,that was iconic and fundamental to shaping the program to be succeeded by Phillip Hinchcliffe /Bob Holmes team,  to form a truly golden era for Doctor who

John Devon Roland Pertwee (Pertwee is a modification of the original French Huguenot family name Perthuis de Laillevault), was born 7 July 1919 in Chelsea, London. His parents, Roland and Avice, divorced shortly after Jon’s birth; they had been living apart for some time and Jon was conceived on Armistice Day, 11 November 1918, when they had met up again by chance during the celebrations.
Jon and his older brother Michael remained with their father, who was a distinguished playwright, actor and novelist. Jon and Michael lived for a time with their Grandmother and their Uncle Guy at Caterham in Surrey, and then returned to live with their father in South Kensington after Roland remarried in 1927.

Jon was sent to Aldro boarding school in Eastborne at the age of seven, but was expelled for swinging on the lavatory chains Tarzan-style. Between schools, Jon visited a friend of his father’s, A.A. Milne, and met his son Christopher Robin Milne, who introduced him to his toys, Piglet, Owl, Kanga, Roo and Winnie the Pooh.

His Doctor seems to be a great big Grey area of haters and lovers, But there is a lot to like here, personal opinion aside you either personally do or don’t like a Doctor
The over use of CSO and poor effects. As far as the effects go, yes they were ropey ,but for a shoe string budget and the early 70’s id expect no less ,if anything the effects were pushed to there limits , but lets not forget Tom Baker and Peter Davisons era had their share of tacky effects – Underworld , Horns of Nimon, Warriors of the Deep, and the worse effects were seen in the late 80s that made theses effects look like high art ,and maybe CSO was slightly over used but then so now is CGI
A establishment figure hmmm ,Really ? he is stuck on Earth one planet in one time and he makes the most of it, you see many examples of him arguing with the the Brigadier or politicians, and frustrated at the establishment to go ahead and do it any way
He is a touch mysoginistic and chauvanistic. But that is as much a reflection of the age as it is the actor or the show and to be fare is perfectly acceptable ,this is no limp wristed jessie
They dared to change a formula by then 6 years old,

A show on the brink of cancellation as viewing figures had dropped and it was felt 6 years was long enough
gone was Dottie old man absent minded clown and something completely new  comes in
In a lot of ways was a program that was a sign of the times with carnaby street look  James Bond in films Adam adamant and other such shows as the Avengers on TV  and it changed as the time went on to being vastly different in its last two years
Much the same way as Peter Davison’s Dr was a sign of his times with the public school boy preppy style and the  era of the Yuppie that was around, and films like chariots of fire and on TV in brides head revisited etc

The surprise was with discussion with the new producer Barry Letts , he was to play it strait as he later recalled “I was asked to play the part as Jon Pertwee ,and i had no idea who he was “
 And it worked Pertwees love of Gadgets vehicles and action was a perfect mix ,and the Man loved his clothes as can be seen again in his role all frills,silk ,satin and velvet & bow ties and cravats (This was 1969 to 1974), it was a totally bold new stroke for the character
He had an identity in the role ,that was as was asked for totally Jon Pertwee and the viewing figures and appreciation for Doctor Who grew under his tenure in the TARDIS,
 Pertwee is definitely one of the best Doctors  ,why ?

 The man himself is the first factor. Jon Pertwee is an obvious choice to play the Time Lord.
 Jon Pertwee was a man of considerable talents prior to working for the BBC, he had been a circus performer doing stunts on the wall of death with a motorbike , stunt driver (raced anything that had a engine) loved diving swimming skiing anything physical  and served in the Royal Navy
 Tall with a young old handsome face , with a shock of white gray hair he looked the part
So to cast a comedic Actor who was well known in the industry and had done a wide variety of parts , from Shakespeare,repertoire west end plays  to comedy on the radio films such as Hammer Horror ,Carry on films and much more , it came as no surprise that he was chosen to play the Doctor

I am fortunate to have met Jon several times and found him the consummate performer and entertainer a true showman ,he was polite friendly and always made time for the fans
He stopped to take time to talk to me  when he didn’t have to, and as i got older and met him again i found him genuine sincere and approachable

To start with .His era had a bold new Idea of having the Doctor stranded on Earth that was a fresh  look with the occasional visit on behalf of the Timelord’s to outer space, (although he spent less time on Earth that the Doctor has since his return in 2005 ),but then the 3rd Dr’s last 2 years were copied by the first two years of Doctor who with Drs 9 & 10 out to space or in time then back to U.NI.T, HQ or jackies flat with both Dr’s a trip to parallel Earth

U.N.I.T ,Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart ,one of the best characters in the program,
it was a good idea, the Dr is stranded and uses his knowledge to get a place to live and work on his TARDIS, to have Earth defended by a arm of the British military purpose set up for the unexplained ,pre-dating x files and such like ,so more action and thrills for the kids to cheer to and enjoy the adventures of a Dr that was, is instantly more identifiable
There was also the ‘Mystery’ element the puzzle the Doctor had to work out  searching out clues and putting it together to form the bigger picture
This gave the program a whole new life not seen before or since totally new fresh look like starting over
 the fact it is more scary to see Monsters on earth coming out of the wood work so to speak,
you thought it was safe to go in the sea then out pops a race of creatures who live under it and want to kill you, (This years before Jaws) under the Earth is a race of Creatures that see us as the invaders, the infestation to be wiped out ,and these are not even alien invaders ,the mundane bent towards death and destruction like daffodils or dolls or gargoyles or shop dummies coming to life to kill you, this has been often tried many times in Dr Who and other programs and films since
(This era was a perfect spring board for yet another completely different change of direction in the cosmos striding fourth doctor )
His era built on the mythos of the Doctor introducing Omega one of the founding fathers ,the planets name Gallifrey the Timelords the president  the first multi Doctor story
 The fact that his era had a majority of the best monsters and  introduced new legendary ones , Auton’s,Sea Devils, Silurians, Ogrons, Draconians, Sontarans……. the Master, Single greatest Villain for the Doctor ever, played here believable and scary and sinister and very smooth by Roger Delgado
Only regret he never faced the Cybermen i feel this is a really missed opportunity, what he, his Dr could of done with a good U.N.I.T story against the silver giants from Mondas

The small, but important, fact that he regularly changed his outfit for a new look , he had some of the best title sequences and season 11 titles is still one of my favorites
,Liz Shaw the boffin scientist in his first season, Jo Grant is easily one of the best companions, and introducing the legend that has become  Sarah Jane Smith in his final year on the program
His era is worth watching and not dismissing to quickly, theres something to be enjoyed here.

Jon Pertwee returned to the role of the Third Doctor several times in the eighties and nineties. In 1983, he appeared in the twentieth anniversary television special The Five Doctors, and in 1989 again played the Doctor, this time on stage in Doctor Who – The Ultimate Adventure. In 1993 he appeared on screen once more as the Third Doctor in the two part charity skit Dimensions in Time, and also played the Doctor on radio for the five-part audio Doctor Who story The Paradise of Death. The success of that production led to a sequel, the six part The Ghosts of N-Space, made in November 1994 but not transmitted until early 1996. Jon made appearances at numerous Doctor Who conventions, invariably appearing in a version of the Third Doctor’s costume which he’d had made especially for such occasions.

Doctor Who ,"The claws of Axos"

i will start by saying

 The Claws of Axos box set ( The Claws of Axos, a four part tale that originally aired in March-April 1971, )An approaching alien spaceship is detected on monitoring equipment at UNIT HQ, where the Brigadier is entertaining two visitors – Chinn, a civil servant making a security inspection, and Bill Filer, an American agent sent to discuss the threat of the Master. The ship lands in England and the UNIT team meet its occupants a beautiful golden-skinned race of humanoids called Axons. The Axons claim that their ship, Axos, is damaged and that they need time in which to repair it. In return, they offer Axonite, a substance that can cause animals to grow to enormous sizes and thus end global food shortages.

The Doctor is suspicious, and rightly so, Axos, Axonite and the Axons are all part of one hideous parasitic entity brought to Earth by the Master to feed on the planet’s energy and consume it. The Doctor manages to materialise his TARDIS, with the Master on board, at the centre of the Axos ship. Outmanoeuvring the Master the Doctor offers to link the two ships together to make one giant time machine, on condition that Axos in return helps him to take revenge on the Time Lords for exiling him to Earth. The trick works, and Axos is locked in a time loop from which it can never escape. The Doctor returns to Earth in the TARDIS, where he reluctantly admits to the Brigadier that the Master has escaped.

This has to be one of the quickest turn around’s
 in the history of Dr Who and Character Options, 
we saw the ‘Delgado’ Master a month ago in a leaked image from China 
but this was announced Friday on store shelf Saturday thats quick
 You may wonder why the Krynoid is now flesh colored and called an Axon.
 In fact it was an Axon first. The humanoid Krynoid costume was a modified Axon costume. I suspect we’ll get a Kyrnoid eventually, since that leaked test prototype was in Krynoid colors. 
question of who he’ll be packed with? We shall see.maybe the 4th Dr from the 11 Doctors box set ?

This is the reason it is a box set and not a clamshell it is huge and heavy to 
 standing a good 6 inches tall 
and this is from the early days where a lot of care and attention went into the product ,the detail is astounding the paint is brilliant
 alas you can tell due to the features on the head that it is the KRYNOID not a AXON, the axons tended to have marshmallow heads ,no features
but i have seen it with simply the head turned round looks great 
this is a stunning piece and big if your a 3rd Dr fan hes your doctor or you just like this story this is going to take some room up and stand very proud on your shelf  

 Articulated to boot this at this detail and cost is not a toy but a collectors item 
It has been a big year for Doctor Who and this is great work 

The packaging is nice, with a internal picture of the episode showing ship and Axon’s and box back  has a brief synopsis and couple of pictures, and not much said on the Master ,if anything, and using the picture from the Sea Devils ,which is a odd choice and one of the worst pictures they could use it seems to be really selling the Axon  

Now the reason i bought this 
well was for this one reason i am a HUGE Master fan i love the Moriarty to Holmes it was a genius idea ,Master of evil Master of the Dark arts the evil to the Doctors good and personality individual in his own right , a great character brilliant portrayed by the late Roger Delgado 

No Photograph can do this Justice 
Stunning is the word ,
Breath taking another, I made a 8″ custom Delgado some years ago and did exactly the same look
 the raised eyebrow the sneer of contempt the look of disdain

They have even given him a darker skin tone ,Brilliant, his high forehead and graying hair (subtly shown)  
The Nero suit is perfect the braiding the leather gloves the flash of cuff (no cuff links sadly) 
and TCE to boot not from this story but his signature weapon 
 in a clamshell with the Axon

Now i grew up with Ainlys camp interpretation ,which i still like to some degree but thanks to UK gold ,i got to see this man in action and my blood ran cold
 He was evil ,he was nasty, he was mean and he loved it ,he enjoyed what he did 
he was a rouge and so likable, the cockney accent the attitude the look and the suave style sold me so totally
He IS the Master no makeup required he had the look you can see why he got a lot of villain parts 

If i do the list here to prove a point of great stories to sit of a evening and watch and enjoy 

The Mind of Evil, in the Prison so clever so manipulative
 The Time Monster,Bit off more than he can chew in another nefarious scheme his two piece with Pertwee is stuff of legend 
Iconic the Dameons  
Frontier in Space  one up on the Doctor in every twist and turn, and even playing the Daleks as surely as a puppet master pulls strings 
The Sea Devils, whats not to like?, it is all here iconic monster Master Dr action the lot
Terror of the Autons his debut story sheer brilliance what a story from i am the master and you will obey me to company exec from hell  his confrontation with the Dr TCE in hand and the look as he threw the scientist off the tower terrifying  

It sets up who he is as a character and often thought of that line in the song ” WHEN A FELON’S NOT ENGAGED IN HIS EMPLOYMENT OR MATURING HIS FELONIOUS LITTLE PLANS” 
Thats him thats the Master maybe he is not around at the moment but you can bet he is not sitting idol 
and Claws of Axos is yet another example of plans gone wrong he arrives on earth a prisoner of the Axons 

the doctor and the master

on shelf with his other incarnations


Doctor who -Toy Stories

 thought i would use this as my personal repository and toy box and some what catalogue ,while having fun along the way

so this post will be pics of settings and scenes of my Who toy’s enjoy ill update as new stuff comes in and a brief sentence of what’s what 

The Tardis 05

Like the Character Options Box i enhanced modified and improved the console room play-set and finished it off it is now in situation of the “Who Store” Blackpool permanently on display 

The TVM 7th/8th Doctors Tardis 

Brachaki refit 66/76

Death to the Daleks 

Police public call Box now open,sort of

Ok seems are American cousins have there first lot of classic exclusives 4th Dr TARDIS Pilot episode Hartnell and 7th Dr and TARDIS

great at last got to see it 

ya know mock up pics are all well and good nothing like what you are getting tho ,and its the 80s box a whole generation me included grew up with this ,like some have the 60s Enterprise or Batmobile as there fave ,

teased indeed little short interview in design works office, lo behold shelf behind there she sat  one gorgeous sexy accurate 80s box
 designed by someone i can honestly say knows his onions,well done mate, said designer has already in my opinion reached his pinnacle, the crown jewel being the cod stakes TARDIS of 2005 wow that was the ultimate, pricey but dam if i could afford i would 

so heres a £40 alternative which compared to £15 standard new series one is dear BUT it is in limited quantities not mass produced , it is for collectors market so ok ill go with it birthday present ordered and

ok er hmmmmmmmm

what happened ?
there is a expression here ,gutted ,indeed i am crushed feels like a low blow

that is not a 80s box ,at a pinch maybe the Newburry refit but that was the late 70s box redressed
were we not promised the 80s TARDIS ?
   fibre glass box didn’t have wood grain ? why is the base 3 times thicker than it should be ? what’s with the  lamp ? that shade of blue, ok silver nemesis had it as a mistake ,hardly iconic TARDIS blue why is the police box sign caped off ala newbury 80s box was full length im sure the font is wrong as well 

what is going on ?,what a piece of junk, inaccurate junk at that 

these above statements are matters of undeniable fact , personally i don’t like the big lamp base it needs to be generic 80s TARDIS from 80 to 89 that don’t fit and id like the lock at the bottom and handle further up thats it personally 
I feel sorry for the designer his creation twisted into that monstrosity 

this is superposed to be a collectors item i expected collectors quality that’s mass produced quick job in chings warehouse £5 tops to make and they want £40 ? we are being taken round the corner and over a financial barrel here ,hat well and truly nailed on

also sadly there is a drop off here, it would seem this “Collectors” range of TARDISes are using same moulds even tho each prop was vastly different in its design , (ala product enterprise one Dalek mould million colour Daleks )  ,just different roof so this is identical to the 4th Dr TARDIS being released where’s the collectable range and quality ? why something cheaply mass made utilising same moulds costing so much ?
I ill tell you why because they can get away with it 

Gets better folks CO in there infinite wisdom have not made enough so Underground toys in USA and Forbidden Planet UK cant full fill there orders,(I still cant find wave 2 classic range and i am limited down to one shop Who blackpool to get mine which is expensive with rrp ) so were all going to miss out any way kinda making  this entire blog mute /academic as its doubtful (Been pre ordered since it was announced ) i will have one 

Charecter options ,i salute you you are a genius 

this has nothing to do with CO statement that Doctor Who will be a ten million pound a year license for them, and make all share holders and company execs very happy and the bank manager smiling really, it isn’t you know