New Doctor Who

Ten years folks,

2005_dw_promocardWho would of thought it?, this was the main image doing the rounds at the time

so yes there you have it and it was all new grunge rough with a blown up TARDIS a Doctor in t shirt jeans and leather jacket (we have had worse looks) and the soon to be annoying Billie Piper

in the October of 2005 the first merchandise came into being and like the parent program it was a very rough start Daleks that were two different scales and battle pack Daleks that never worked ,a sonic screwdriver some keyrings and a TARDIS money box ,i have somewhere the Argos (British catalog shop) page advertising first who wears

DSCF1047 DSCF1045 DSCF1046so here is my Dalek battle pack with the 12″ walkie talkie Doctor (i also own that) on the back

The story behind this is a interesting read ,like there was no plans for Action Figures. Character Options known more for electronic gimmicky stuff this was a BBC request at the last minute so joints were added and hence the rather odd poses based off the promotional pictures at the time (Doctor Who and Little Britain range saved CO from going bankrupt at the time)

Now the Dalek’s are 2 remote command variety and when pointing at each other send a infa red signal the other receives “Dalek unit damaged” ,if it works it seldom did i went through 12, and eventually got in touch with and being not far from me went to the CO warehouse and had mine tried, tested and exchanged there ,so it was working not sure if it still is

And you know what i like the figure of the Doctor ,what a shock it must of been to have him announce so suddenly not going on with the role for them ,the Rose figure looks a lot like miss Piggy but worth owning this is wear it started the 2 figures that launched a incredible line for the next five years ,and eventually spawning classics for a brief time that we all wanted,a line  now a shadow of its former self
A nice set and one now in a box in storage but from a to be fair exciting time who was back i just think its been a slow decline since the initial excitement and for someone growing up in the 80s and the joke who was,heck you were bullied if you liked it ,it for me was a show i liked and enjoyed ,still do got a few dvds now, this was all new and the promotion and the cool factor to see people open about there geekdom how things have changed

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