I am the master and you will Obey me


Been a while i know but i have some goodies for you

numero uno

as i have waxed lyrical my who i grew up with is 80s classic and my fave who villain is the master ,must be the Holmes enthusiast within me, So i grew up with Anthony Ainley as the Master but truthfully remember him from trial and mark of the rani and with Sylv it was later repeats on UK Gold i saw him with Number 5 , and of course the awesome Roger Delgado


I do like Ainleys interpretation yes it is camp what was requested ,but to me he was cat like, the smile the chuckle the light steps (Like Fred Astair, no one could skip along like Anthony) but he was good ,bonkers crazy obsessed with the Doctor and revenge ,a great line is from the Rani he makes things so complex im surprised he can walk strait,or words to that effect, which really sums him up i having i think seen all his adventures prefer Logopolis its a good intro and he works well with Tom i never understood what happened after Davison his appearances being sparse but as in later interviews he said there wasn’t much left for him  to do and he upset JNT with money requests for appearances he wasn’t getting, so he was relegated a bit to the sides ,either way i recommend watching him strut his stuff hes very good and the five drs is superb for him ,he had a crazy velvet costume that came from the same man that gave us Collins costume but he does make it work flick of the tails as he sits down  his dracula cloak being a neat addition in all its  theatrical

now CO did make a figure of the Master seen here (1980 /1990)


yeah something went wrong, this is a look based on the planet of fire story where he got for once to change costume to a suit except that is not the Master that is, in the story narrative, Chameleon the shape changing robot who had a dark suit on for the howard disguise / master disguise the master being shrunk and still in the velvet jacket number and in a box (Tissue Compressor Eliminator ,his ray gun, accident)

New jacket rubber vinyl otherwise its the simm Master and a let down this guy is famous for his velvet number and CO Made it plain were lucky to get this ,So what are you to do

Imagea good dig about in parts box some modelling grey sculpy green stuff paint and lot of creativity gave me the new body seen here admiring his new clothes

DSCF0727and i think the 5 drs console is perfect for the Master his machine is the more advanced model of the drs the MK3

Group shot

Imageand all together in the cabinet yes i know Pratt Traken variant i keep coming back to bits i need from that think should buy it

well hope you like my humble efforts i like this head sculpt repainting it getting the sneer the smirk in there several shades layer on layer made his TCE repainted more brown ot the hair line and gloss the various pieces like TCE eyes etc ,i put shading round his eyes add to the sinister element i had to make this head removable to

so new torso /Arms /Jacket full repaint and one Master

m 3


Just a realization  how important this Master is and a idea of just how much he covered
Controversial the 80’s may be but ignore them CO should not but will,there’s a LOT of good stuff in the 80s

so with this done only war/other dr missing im nearly complete so can really just take my time and enjoy cherry pick what i want ive got the Masters done


Make do and Paint

well another week and some more stuff painted,

well decided to make one Lieutenant Surgeon Harry Sullivan or Harry because i have 2 Sarah s Death to the Daleks and Pyramids of mars  a Ace from Remembrance  so three girls and in need of something different ,aint gona happen through CO ,so i took one Auton and did this



So one Harry Sullivan for Revenge of the Cybermen display made a start on  a Yo Yo and time ring to finish pictures forthcoming

Next item ,you know partworks magazines with a gift ?,there is a dr who figurine collection one 90 mm 3.5 inches so the size of the new Doctor Who line of figures ,the standard is appalling chimps paint them some have broken appendages so no mail order then i want to choose,  but had to have Tom 4th Dr and especially as Mag covered Pyramids of mars


Prototype figurineSo same company do the rather gorgeous Emperor model from new series which would be a awesome shelf filler BUT its £45 heck the new series TARDIS is £16 make a 80s variant and id be putting it on a xmas list to santa as it is erm no your ok

obligatory repaint here (thankfully i am used to painting 28mm minis) mine had brown tears so repainted the head ,hair and re did the shirt adding more white and cleaned up the lines and detail, this i think is brilliant 3 and half  inch fun a mini me Tom ,pose superb it got him perfectly bit gangly brooding and also the costume spot on the  mag surprisingly was fun and not bad just one or two minor errors i know hard to reference but screen grabs people ? ,that is the costume from lot later season 15 not 13 Pyramids Time different hat for a start and he didn’t have tweed check trouser there’s tweed wool and check for season 16 to 17 Cosplay is massive so get it right ,and £6 pound instead of usual £10 for these things my superheros are half the size and more money ,i had to have it, within budget ,and looks good with my DVDs ,cant help but wonder with there sloppy paintwork what old 6 will turn out like

As a dear old friend said there to small to display,my friend you just hit nail firmly squarely on the head for a whole other reason this is a mini statue fine its fun but as a line of ACTION figures to a collector waste of scale as toys great think ill get long coat matt to go with


Vector Tracing

Well you know the one as a designer

As designers and project managers,tasked with chasing down assets to include in printed work. When we need a logo, we often hear, ‘Can’t you just pull it off the web site’? Unfortunately, a web site graphic is a fraction of the resolution needed for print.so that means its going to pixelate for fun and usually you will get something that looks like its on teletext or done in 8 bit graphics not good

But now, there’s a new option: http://vectormagic.com

It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty darn hot.Not like doing live trace well bit like that in illustrator but

There are issues that would need to be cleaned up in a vector drawing program, and the type still needs to be identified and re-set. Still, it would save a lot of time.
Put with a font site and look it up like  WhatTheFont  and you’ve got a successfully traced logo in half the time or less that it would usually take.
Very Handy and something i shall play with more

Now bookmarking…


Talking about Regeneration


Well id like to just sort out the Doctor and his 12 lives as talking to a mate i suddenly feel like a kid at school flicking through books and Doctor Who Mags to organize what gos where or is what

  • 1 Bill Hartnell
  • 2 Pat Troughton
  • 3 Jon Pertwee
  • 4 Tom Baker
  • 5 Peter Davison
  • 6 Collin Baker
  • 7 Sylv McCoy
  • 8 Paul McGann

9 now this gets messy and all change, apparently there is a unknown Doctor that fought in the time war so “War Other Dr” ,
9 John Hurt

  • 10 Chris Ecclestone
  • 11 David Tennant,

Tennants gets messy and what id like to break down

He got hit  put the energy into his hand that had been cut off ,that to me aint a regeneration nothing changed just the “New firework show” then Donna made it turn into a dr clone that was essentially human could age and die so left as rose play thing sex toy ,IF thats a regeneration  so is Dona then right ?……wrong for me not counting it

then we are left with two

  • 12 Matt Smith
  • 13 Peter Capaldi

I see the list as that regenerate 12 times 13 lives and then it really is the end,unless you can source enough energy like a planet and go body snatching ala the Master or get as Matt Did some pixi dust ,anyone else find that underwhelming see this is the new series bull were putting up with so i own all 13

Now next blog which is related

other drThis is one nice figure £15 yes Fifteen like Ace Leela and other single packs ok even though e bay its selling for 30 some more ,go figure

5oth anniversary,for that one episode here is John Hurt as the “Warrior” Ecclestone as warrior i get well ard oop Northerner got it but as everyone knew would tell BBC to stick it ( during his time he didnt like the way things were run) ,so what can you do we did want the three new drs (as theres no who before honest) so we get Joh Hurt the doddering old man ermmmmmmmm no warrior but ok  but as we say in Manchester “Roll with it” ,he had the gravity for it for sure but with leather jacket it was a watered down version really

As for the figure maybe been collecting these to long but can se on it where money was spent and saved elsewhere, the jacket is nicely beat up and weathered i dont remember this much silver on the bandolier but it is nice now the sculpt is spot on and even the gators are really nice with some buttons fastened others not but his face is in need of a wash to bring out the wrinkles the mask for the hair paint does leave a grey line on the forehead a easy fix otherwise a very nice figure not my favorite CO have done but up there ,just hope this short hair mcgann figure can go on the mcgann body i have

Any way a nice 50th anniversary piece only one i own and will own ,i think ,so do not want to open?, it its nothing to do with selling in future i didn’t get into this collecting for a pay check ,may as well put money in the bank instead, but sometimes rarely the old stuff can get some funds if its in trend. But looks lovely, packet clear and the moment box pic on the back is translucent shines light through nicely , looks nice and looks fine in packet and is silver (gold surely?) txts and logo’s
Now sell it ? Gamble ?, for double the money then buy two? well im going to have to buy two so that’s one route or just keep the packet? but then don’t have it in packet to enjoy decisions decisions

Every great decision creates ripples. Like a huge boulder dropping in a lake. The ripples merge and rebound off the banks in unforeseeable ways. The heavier the decision, the larger the waves, the more uncertain the consequences.


finished my Day of the Doctor DVD cover so thought as it is appropriate would put it here

all don by me and the Dalek took a good Day all i had was the prop and then had to make the explosion happy how this turned out ,again in the old Target style of old

dvd-cover-template DOTD

Kate Omara


Sad news today kate omara has died at the age of 74,she was a good actress i remember from Hammer films The Vampire Lovers and The Horror of Frankenstein,but i remember know her from the role of The Rani, the wicked Time Lady, in Doctor Who in 1985, an amoral character a scientist with no scruples and no real need for power for powers sake evil but brilliant,she was a scientist and i would love to see her return



O’Mara passed away on March 30th in a nursing home in Sussex it was confirmed by her agent

hope CO do the figure now she was a great part for such a short period and fondly remembered

The Cupboard of Rassilon

As a Dalek would say “DECORATE” and i did

I have my little ” cupboard  looking nice all shiny white walls and my cabinets are in

the special thing here was to make it fit round everything so it flowed and worked as a whole, so i designed its lay out to have purpose and create more floor space
things set right up to the wall it works.
now not much but this humble collection is mine and now i got it looking to sweet

display room

and i know you greedy lot wana see others so here we go

my colection shelf

this is my who shelves and a paint to get right ,but are now spot on and made from scrap and skip finds and a bit of paint et voila shelves

now my big models and RC stuff on top as you can clearly see no room for a upcoming 3rd scale classic K9 RC but i wont say no to one as a pressie 🙂 under that is MY shelf, yes this room is the ultimate selfish trip my room my way, so L-R, Revenge of the Cybermen ,Remembrance of the Daleks ,Pyramids of Mars and Death to the Daleks ,all my fave stories immortalized in plastic form under that some of my TARDISes L-R Masters Tardis 70’s computer bank ,Smith Capaldi custom , Tennant Eccleston, 80s circa S19 and McCoy McGann box with the Masters TARDIS Grandfather clock custom and an unseen but there hat stand  add some awesome pictures a graphic or two the console diagram from the tech manual is behind the tardises and done

my who cabinet stuff

now thinking aghhhhh no blurred ,im being creative you get the idea im sure, this is my small lot (main focus is classic not new)

I think of this shelf as being the two Timelords discuss the doctor and the rest is a visual aide of what they’re talking about around them
yes that is original miss piggy rose figure and ecclestone these are the first figures ever made from them came this lot including and nice to have out my custom stuff like iron legionaries, delgado in suit Key to Time Tom etc

and on top shelf nearly all 13 Doctors (always one missing caught in a sodin vortex ,again, and not there) but as i grew up with 12 regenerations, 13 lives, and with CO decideing to shrink the range (due to lack of funds and resources ) to 3 inch tall things im out of that one  then this is for me a closing and end of the line i am missing a couple of big characters, Brigadier and Ainley Master, but i can pick them up at my leisure and whenever CO decided to get thumb out of their ass and just accept Ainley was the master for over a decade
and also last year i got Ace ,and at hi school i watched McCoy stories everyone pretty much and like him and his Dr and love Ace so this does feel like an end like ive done it ,
CO will only focus on the 70s and nothing but ,we got a couple of things from 80s ,if they do more ill pick some up that i like at my leisure but yeah im happy job done cabinet full

DSCF0526 dwace14

you can see the build a figure figures as well there and my collection of Dapol and tat from over the years ,a fave being a bubble bath for the 25th anniversary warm nostalgia there

Then there is this ,this i had on my door (guess how it got wrecked) in 88 and i made it on my to do list this year to get and aint she gorgeous the poster was fresh in mag like the day it was released

DWM_FG_148This truly is my room and what a blast of nostalgia and how nice to have these things in it ,my who stuff  and my comic stuff ,how good it is for me to have back stuff i did have
so really is reaching completion few bits left to do

so aside from that what else is new

dvd-cover-template coa


Making DVD covers or re making them as the standard ones don’t float my boat and some stories i really like and would like proper covers for



Taking a die-cast Dalek and giving it a  repaint , one is pristine like the Dalek story after it just soaked up 1.21 gigawats of electricity
and the other now looks more dirty and battered and how we  see them now,
not easy ,plastic fine metal and weathering hard work, lots of trial and error but done

Now onto props and looking forward to sometime this year getting a Cyber head made then who knows

Big Chief Doctor Who

1/6 is here and it is a BIG market this may be a doll but is not for the kids

SIDESHOW MEDICOM heck even NECCA are doing 1/4 scale hi end pieces now,  Big Chief  wants to play with the big boys

bring it on im looking forward to it i want the 1/6 C Reeve Superman  as well

so for years we here of talk of Doctor Who getting 1/6 dolls we had a good cheap line by CO that was brilliant for its price point but then Big Chief said yeah were going to do high end 1/6 collectable who line along came Matt  very good


and a host of goodies to boot like his sonic extra hands etc jacket is a little iffy but we will come to clothes shortly but that’s nothing like matt’s jacket in color (Orange?), design and texture,  CO who do the smaller toys did a figure with the same jacket pattern in same colors


David Tennants doll was even better


that my friend is awesome the suit clothing may be off there a tad chunky and lot thicker but look good quality we got a coat and whole host of extras but what about classics ?

now if you build up enough bodies to use and re use well that means only new heads and clothes have to be made By using standard parts, they could have pushed out another 3 figures, by my estimation, quadrupling their financial income, thus funding future developments in further dolls like other companies do a small medium large body and thats it  but there not seeming to do this for some reason its all a bit slow

But at last we get Tom “THE DOCTOR” Baker ,well im in for that xmas list save whatever

The Doctor’s new costume, designed by James Acheson (yes the one now winning awards in Hollywood but ill leave judgement on his spiderman costume ) was inspired by a French poster advertising Aristide Bruant at the Ambassadeurs nightclub in Paris, 1892.

and scarf accident by bergodia pope resulted in every ball of wall used and a scarf of some length

Ambassadeurs posteroriginal sketch

Tom Baker sketch

d4-4g-039season 13

Imageright off the bat er what gives with the boggle eye look ?,why isn’t he just neutral ? but ok so far so good (coats a bit chunky but ok) i can work with that then we get more pictures

facial details, skins tones, and texture im looking for as well as a decent expression , an example is this

ImageYes thats a doll not the actress i find that simply scary awe inspiring ,and some kind of voodoo magic

more here Black Widow

Then not so long ago i managed to see this Tom in hand at my local FP , and ill just say AGHH,ooook

I really want a tom doll in 1/6 and around £200 is a going rate for these things, but hears the rub

I was lucky enough to know several people in the store and this was a loose figure on a new series stand on there shelf,apparently the new series base for a classic Dr had the new circles these  circles spelt 4 , nope this don’t work its to new style design old style clash , its like lime green and lemon yellow together it jars it needs a natural black one and a stand like his environment. eg Superman has a chunk of the fortress Batman has chunk of the cave etc , BUT we get a nice picture of the console room no idea the season 18 at a guess so put that behind him i looked for many angles to shiny so reflects light and is a picture and as my good friend said “cheapens the figure” its just a bit of shiny cardboard so stand is right out ,not a problem ,i can work with that as well

Tom was famous for carrying over mixing up elements of his costume over his tenure right up to S18 with his brown adventure boots


The boggle eyes as i feared is a problem,the zombie look ,or i have to agree with my friend in recreating the famous brooding head down Pyramids Of Mars look he looks like he is crying like he’s going to burst into tears. The expression is all wrong, going for a expression was a big mistake why when every one else they did is neutral ? so i tried and you have to capture a moment him doing something and Tom used this as measure of a surprise part of his acting to a line so you got to play about to try to make it work he cant just stand on the shelf sadly,or maybe it’s sold as Tom Baker at the pub after filming Coming out the Coach & Horses with Francis Bacon in soho around 2am.

And the coat is to light darker thankfully than bright red prototype but to light to thick and clunky but can be made to work but its all off including the lack of details Image

The actual coat sold at auction for Bonhams

A Victorian style double-breasted frock coat,
of burgundy colored cut velvet, with matching buttons, having darned patches applied, giving the impression of age, lined with brown colored silk effect fabric, with large interior pockets, labelled inside “Morris Angel & Son Ltd, 117-119 Shaftesbury Ave, WC2” inscribed in an unknown hand in black marker pen “TOM BAKER, 41”

Costume Designer, June Hudson

this coat there using for this doll is this, and was used a lot by tom season 13 first and again  for deadly assassin ,lots of stories different scarfs different looks


as you can see to light button holes missing from lapel all easy to see and research so why is it missed ? ,trousers very Denis Fisher doll like and like the whole figure needs dressing and putting right this can be fixed but what can not be fixed is …………………

The Scarf a printed piece of cotton like a t shirt with a design on it its cheap nasty and don’t work a chap called Malcolm once found ribbed fabric that works and another person has used this to make new scarfs the scarf IS the costume for Tom


Now that’s more like it now this person chose to change the waistcoat i wouldn’t the pattern is to big its 1/1 for use so needs scaling down but the scarf is right again waistcoat is just a printed picture on plain cotton a thicker (dare i say it) piece of material that was wool like would of been better to print on

The beard of five o clock shadow docent suit this is varying degrees on each doll of one day to whole week of not shaving  and the hair is supposed to be brown not black with brown highlights the skin is little to white and no texture this with odd expression lets the head sculpt down

as they’re still fledgling  small company with a lot yet to learn I’m still cutting them some slack, but I do find it annoying that these figures still seem to be loosing ‘something’ when they go through the manufacturing process, and in the case of Tom an awful lot seems to be lost.

which for me is a shame best picture i have seen of tom has taken some modifications to it

ImageBottom line nice idea nice attempt ,i wouldn’t buy it personally £200 it has to be spot on perfect but as a present it would be awesome and id set out buying new items of clothing strait away and repainting the whole head as this pic shows ,it has tons of potential


these owners are a clever lot this is off sideshow forum

Peter Capaldi new costume the 13th Doctor

13 drso there it is the 13th Doctors costume

Bit boring isnt it ,to me it is identical to Matts that he regenerated into but all in black ,and i do like doc martins so ill say ok to that new shiny boot but those pants are a bit wierd tight at the ankle wide at thigh big nappy baggy style at crotch and ass its a  bit ” cant touch this”, hammer style, first impression it looks like some sort of magicians outfit,isn’t this what collin wanted?

It is some are suggesting  akin to pertwees first costume,er no, well ok his was all black’ ish lot of blue in that jacket but his  was different material velvet/ satin /cotton etc with  the frills a striking cape and velvet smoking jacket with frog closures rolled collar braiding on the cuff  accessories including leather gloves and tardis key lifting the costume way above the ordinary and giving it a real sense of style

this is what there referencing to

Sea_Devils pertwee2

Now with red lining in Peters coat it bears a resemblance and Peter is a confessed Jon Pertwee fan having wrote to the program and been a avid fan at that time so guess where the idea came from and good on him

but its not,

i don’t think personally it is the all black nature of it i think it is just so plain in its materials  or lack of , there’s no detail or texture or variance that’s missing if there was a black silk chord trim to the lapel or a black velvet waistcoat a silk stripe down the outer seem of the trousers something to lift it  or even a gold Albert chain with watch and key on it a or a sense of it being his something about it off cuff ,its a little plain  uniform at the moment

sounds like i am being hyper critical im not ,we have had a LOT worse ,Sixth and Ninth Doctors costumes ,7th Dr’s  xmas jumper covered in ???? ,That ruined a otherwise good look and only JNT liked and wanted and was soon dispatched with in comics books audio TV Movie (just about Everyone)

this is of course coming from the team that gave Dr 8 his new suit

339fe-1468700_767731546573840_1395318303_nthat’s got a sense of style a traveler something old ,how do you go from being able to deliver this from nothing just whats available for a days filming to a very boring set for the 13th Doctor ?

Good news the Doctor does now change his clothes like in the seventies  so this is it for now for a year maybe longer but there’s another to be had when the actor wants to strike a new look and gets bored

main plus point ,a pretty simple custom to make just a very uninspiring one to do

Special Dalek forces

desert drone , designed entirely by Dalek science units was a Dalek although equipped with the same  bonded polycarbide armor  it had modified armor and equipment to withstand the harsh climates of deserts and extreme terrain ,as Daleks can be vulnerable to extremes of temperature and be slowed and impeded by harsh terrain ,


They like all Dalek  units inserted on a planet and not using aTransmat a Dalek landing craft or shuttle (a dedicated, armored, and maneuverable landing craft to transport Daleks directly into battlefields)  would land with mission specific equipment needed and units required , equipment could  include adapted  Hoverbout, (the Trans-Solar disc for transport ) a Mobile HQ , specific equipment /supplies to the mission


They were nearly identical to standard Daleks except they had additional programing  in specialized areas ( Technician ,Mining, Explosives, Data Computers, ) and advanced cooling systems in their Armour that offered the mutant protection from extreme heat the casing was completely sealed from the environment.  and anti clogging  filter even resistant to burial , polarized lenses built into the eye stalk as well as a standard eye with the wide  spectrum of site modes Infra red was omitted instead  there  was a special zoom , a built-in long range com link for extended missions far away from base  and different motive / anti grav units


Visual differences in armor included heat-reflective coating  lighter color different markings of black on the shoulders denoted different ranks , from the dark all grey leader at base to the mission specialists the all grey and grey with black slats ,collar or oval highlights, a specialist unit  there missions never required a supreme Dalek  they had a leader and own command structure and were a mission specific unit  , and as a specialized unit were interdependent and instead liaise with a mother ship via there special long-range  com links


They had the standard Dalek  heavy weapon gun stick with multiple modes of fire and standard manipulator arm that interfaced directly with equipment and sensor spheres as with previous casings, a number of different, interchangeable arm attachments were available for insertion into the arm sockets, and it could also be fitted with other mission specific equipment when necessary


The Dalek science units  are some of the oldest drones having developed Kaled mutants over many centuries with special intelligence and special computers and organic memory and computer gel packs  with all scientific knowledge acquired by the Dalek race studying, and in some cases, manipulating the nature of the galaxy ,they studied biology, chemistry, physics, or derivatives of these fields to the advancement of the Dalek empire and development of new technologies and equipment ,dedicated to research and development of new technology. It held a significant amount of influence in order to achieve its aims through other agencies within the Empire.


They unlike  Dalek  units inserted on a planet had there own saucer  a dedicated, armored, and maneuverable landing craft to transport Daleks wherever they want it even had limited time jump technology ,(this small scout craft sometimes even had its own dedicated  saucer commander red commanders were reserved for bigger saucer class but a black striped pilot  ) ,it was a remote exploration craft it would land with mission specific equipment needed and units required to study and take whatever materials were necessary or act as a advanced party if planet was important enough to await arrival of the Dalek fleet, this saucer was heavily armed and adapted with quad laser cannon and missile tubes capable of firing probes, seeker units ,satellites in high orbit  and ballistic missiles with any variety of war head they made from plague missiles to basic high yield explosives for sterilizing areas for research and study


They were nearly identical to standard Daleks with standard polycarbide armor except they had additional programing and computers  in specialized areas of scientific study  the eye stalk as well as a standard eye with the wide  spectrum of site modes there  was a special close optical system for study and analogizing , they had no targeting system they were not warriors  , the older mutant and personal life support systems were more vulnerable than most standard Daleks and prone to shorting out under internal duress

Visual differences in armor included the older silver steel base with  black  highlights , a specialist unit  there missions never required a supreme Dalek (they had a chief scientist in a blue casing ) they had a squad leader and own command structure and were a mission specific unit  , and as a specialized unit were independent and instead using advanced hyperlink communication  send there data for immediate analysis and study after mission conclusion ,often these craft could be sent far reaches of the galaxy and seldom heard from for long  extended periods, if ever again

Death to the Daleks 1920x1200

They had the standard Dalek  heavy weapon gun stick with multiple modes of fire and standard manipulator arm that interfaced directly with equipment and sensor spheres as with previous casings, a number of different, interchangeable arm attachments were available for insertion into the arm sockets and special scientific instruments, capable of free thinking to they were able to create new weapons and equipment  if needed and had all facilities to do so on there specially adapted saucer


All Change for the Blog line

Well besides being a lonely place to blog Blogspot,I want to grow my blog.,no one could comment on posts without incurring to much grief and  Blogger became more and more glitchy for me over time. Feedburner lost ALL of my subscribers, and after I took down my “followers” tab, I could never put it back up. It was frustrating beyond belief. The other problem with blogger is that they own your site. At any time, they could take it down, lock you out, etc. and you have NO recourse. That never happened to me, but I had heard of people losing their ENTIRE blog content out of nowhere and never getting it back. When you go to self hosted, you own everything on your blog.


So Here i am after a suggestion i took a plunge got to just figure it all out now how this works and customize this to way i want it a few kinks to ,theres purchasing options and site ownership im not getting into but for now so far so good at least will give me something to keep me busy

Hope you enjoy the Blog

still i hope find me through my user name of transcendental musings so should all i hope run smooth