
Well new Doctor new titles and cant say i was impressed
We have the time vortex as traditionally done,  a mass of clouds, OK fare enough bit weird and lightening buffeting the TARDIS ,Why there would be lightening in the vortex i don’t know 
and then you have the different colours for a i guess forward and backward shift 
Did not seem very time vortex to me 
and i still much prefer a more realistic TARDIS model to a virtual CGI version 

Theme tune ,oh dear well lots of drum beats for first half of the title sequence and then eventually we get the theme tune that’s a bit mixed up and cobbled together like someone has badly edited the them tune from various sources like the graphics bit of a jumbled mess sadly sounds like a tape playing slow or chewed 

The theme tune is missing and that’s the shows signature, so i hope they redo it at some point hopefully they will return to the original delia derbyshire variation 

The title Graphics of Doctor who are a mess and also confused don’t seem to know what there saying, dosent emphasise the Doctor who name or brand ,and why is there a obviously separate Tardis DW Graphic in it ?, comes across as to much and its not needed and the emphasis should be large “WHO” small “Doctor font 

Raggedy Doctor

New figure,one day after the episode and its a twin pack,Doctor 11 and raggedy Dr 11,
Well here’s a improvement no more months of waiting for the figures long after the series has finished this is like the rest of the big toy making boys in time of the episode and season,

Eleventh Hour crash set, Toys R us,retail for this is £14.99,and the new sonic for the same price, got best of the bunch from Toys R us,There is two variants blue tie and shirt and red tie,shirt  version,The retail price is good for these and affordable if you consider one figure now retails at £8.99 you getting these at £7.50 each

Raggedy Doctor  ,this is the Dr 10 legs (so no trouser tears) new body sculpt ,superb tears and wear open necked tie askew details ,the paint on this is good but varied some tie red was on the shirt ,blue on the neck,same head sculpt as the regeneration and bow tie variant

the stand out piece is defiantly the raggedy Dr for the detail and exactness of the opening scenes of the episode and stood with a TARDIS looks brilliant 
sadly they don’t include the Sonic screwdriver  one for the raggedy Doctor which is a shame 

The two doctors are a great set and the bow tie version is good the bow tie variant was blemish free on the majority ,with exact costume chosen from the lockers of the Hospital (like Drs 3 and 8) the red pinstripes are clean and the red on the bow tie is spot but strangely under the jacket no braces on included for this Doctor is the new sonic screwdriver nicely painted and detailed

 There is good articulation in neck,biceps, thigh ,wrist and hip and shoulders ,the two figures are different scales slightly with the bow tie Dr being taller (Most likely due to the use of the Dr10 legs on the raggedy Dr ) and this figure is significantly taller than most of the previous Dr releases ,so seems scale varies slightly on the figures but not enough that is glaring, and obvious if you stand them both back to back only
 The sculpt and likeness is very good generic enough to be Matt Smith its a skinny sculpt and has lots of detail not just painted but part of the sculpt like the texture of the jacket

What’s odd is the shiny boots and lack of braces and lack of old sonic in this pack otherwise great figures ,and look forward to seeing the others that are due out in a couple of months in July ,Amy is defiantly needed here to complete the set

Return of the Mack

And he is back, Saturday saw the return of Doctor Who with just about everything renewed ,so with a open mind i sat on the sofa and with a cup of coffee relaxed and watched 
The scene opened with a high end CGI stunt of the Doctor’s struggle to control the burning TARDIS (as left from the Xmas episode regeneration and the explosion of the old console room ) and this was mad caped rather than heroic, ok different and had my attention 
this was not focused strait on and solely upon the companion we have opened up with the Doctor and its zany and he hasn’t spoken a word yet 
In the tatty remains of Dr 10s suit he looked great and wild,
He promptly crashes in a Garden of some country cottage and meets a young girl what ensued was funny clever and completely in tone of Doctor Who and what it is about ,I laughed at the im still cooking,and i landed in the library and the swimming pool the swimming pool is in the library ? ,it is now. “Hell of a climb up”  and nearly spilt my coffee when he hit the tree (Steering is off still) brilliant !,
the whole post regeneration and food (New mouth) and zany running around was perfect, this guy looks right different, none conventional certainly not the pretty boy ,
And despite what Mr Moffet thinks not all Drs got the chance to sleep off the regeneration this is shades of Colin Baker right into the thick of it 
first 10 minutes and i was hooked like i haven’t been previously i was glued to the box and my seat 
Well i wont lay out the whole plot other than to say i was surprised by what i saw i really liked it ,it felt right the tone the feeling of it the choice of Doctor, I wont talk here about the TARDIS i did that several posts back as i have a post on that back “right said bob”
Matt Smith is like some of his predecessors’ got a unique personality that’s pitch perfect for the Doctor and comes out brilliantly,  He looks great and that unusual costume is growing on me and would defiantly say is more traditional than anything previously seen so far for a long time, he was witty ,serious ,clever  and just doctorish he had the doctor factor for sure
 i look forward to seeing him settle in and where this gos as this is his first season and by episode 13 and season two he should be really into the part 
The companion Karen Gillian ,”wow” spot on “Nail on the head” its been a great many years since a companion like this feisty own person shes here to enjoy and explore, she sparks off the Dr well and the two personalities work cleverly and the chemistry is good “I’m a stripagram” funny and her life effected by the Doctor, still made her own life and portrayed well ,tone right and thankfully a orphan
 heres hoping this ends the soap opera, sort of boyfriend ,and was getting married so there’s a great  deal of story to go in this season
 small setting focus on two characters
  this looks good no boy friend the doctor off galaxy traveling first story in good please dont bring the boy friend back and lets just Carry on how we started  ………….

right said bob lets have another one,we are getting no where

Spot the difference , Anyone ?, no ?

Me either, Sad ain’t it, another load of crap dumped on six perspex panel’s, they just don’t make them like they used to. So huge gramophone and loads of overpriced junk and once again those bloody pie slices AGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Why?, it is enough to make you want to tear your eyes out
ED Thomas strikes again you can bet this is his idea like the last one,

I ask for ,form ,function is it a lot to ask ?,
verisimilitude (So much for knowing about Dr who), levers dials knobs switches those toggle variety and rocker ones old and new, seamless blend together a hint of alien advanced tech.
OK OK we have yet to see it on screen but really do you get inspired when you see this ?
come back five Dr’s console all is forgiven!
there’s a certain sameness that defines the design of certain things until recently the console was only ever one shape since the shows creation in 63 like the exterior was a police box Daleks are pepper pot shaped etc
you can not even get the top right its six flat sides joined together to make flat hexagonal six sides trapezoid shapes ,not that uneven mess


Am i being unfair ?

to each his own no doubt,there may be those who will love it ( i think personally the epitome of the Dr’s console is the very first from 63 to 71 and at a pinch Pertwee’s 71 – 75 look them up THAT’S what its superposed to look like, and i grew up with the 5 Dr’s console,)
but lets set the brief for you,
A alien control console ALWAYS is, has been, will be hexagonal six sides and needs to be alien far advanced tech yet old low tech and has to seem alien and complex and most of all old with one or two bits added by the Dr in his travels been tinkering ,so dials levers from a power station or off a boat far flung future 51st century ? etc, does this really look like it fits the brief ? once again new Who disappoints

Do your home work, research,dumping bucket loads of old overpriced junk on perspex, a console it does not make !!!
starting to really show you know nothing about the character and the Dr who universe things are not boding well.for this design team

I do however like the new console room ,wow that’s BIG it has the Hartnell 63 power diasis thingie on the ceiling it has stairs leading off, AT LAST extra rooms starting to think just that one place and a nice perspex floor for console room floor (Done very effectively in the engine room of the Enterprise in Star Trek Next  Gen),very nice back to golds again, BUT its OK.
White silver would be better ,But its clean tidy & looks like a spaceship and thats what it is about and important.
So like previous  ramp and 2 platforms to console last time, this time one flight of stairs (Hat Stand next to front doors will it be used this time ? ) nice and this feels, I don’t know homely 60s maybe? nice either way very retro feel
Not sure about the cavernous holes in the floor you need to get around and about without disappearing into the cavernous depths but i see roundel is every where in different sizes and shapes ………….thats, ok
what is letting it down as my good friend would say the dimension gap aka the doors where are the TARDIS  doors ? what’s with the police box doors again ?
not exactly sure of the Time Rotor ill wait until i actually see it in use and report back
the McGann scanner screen lowered down for use nice, what a shame about the console its let down the whole room

Now seen on TV in context as it should be and wow wow wow, What a room (Redressed Torchwood set) ,
and what a stinking pile of miscellaneous crap the console is
The room is big, bold and gold (Last bit i can over look) It is without doubt a alien spaceship still not keen on the Swiss cheese holes and the holes in the walls there’s tons we don’t get yet one giant roundel looked like a scanner screen certainly something going on in it, We have it very very designed ,light box projections ,lit roundel’s and stairs with old beacon lights etc, see what as the season progresses this room is about
It reminds me of some 50s Science fiction B movie set

Console ,well its noisy so much so you cant understand it ,etched panels and moving stuff sticking through from Torchwood set or the spares box from left overs of the old console room
 foot pumps Yawn,and various common garden stuff ,bath taps (at there inclusion someone should of stopped themselves ) and a phone and other modern day paraphernalia thrown on,
and the best bit

The but plug (or anal bead) column in the centre, laugh, I nearly split my sides  now we are REALLY taking the mickey ,So proud is Mr ED Thomas “We got this blown glass done specially” etc  etc
Have you stopped to look at it ? why is there a anal but plug going up and down in the centre of the TARDIS ?
and then the pierce de resistance ,a ruddy great big Horn of a old 48 record player ,geee wow fitting and in context really
The scanner screen very designed and like 8th Drs but attached strangely none moving and some weird slabs of wood on the column ??????
Rubbish it most defiantly is ,and you really don’t have a clue what you are doing, you proudly show off where each panel and flight plan is but does it make sense as you read it out ?, I was lost
 you truly do not have a clue


One panel is a Pin ball machine FFS WHY ??????????????????????

and one Giant round all is a scanner screen along with the old tv set dangling off the console rotor