Sevans Davros

A tidy and quick polish was needed on my old kit ,i had it  about 14 years and was some ten years old when i got it and after my move some years ago took time for me to get round to it but i did eventually ,in this glorious weather and out of the cupboard problems came up and still not done everything

IMAG0361Not everything needed doing so some masking was in order ,or how to make davros look ridiculous new chrome tape for fender so that was ok

DSCF0964Another thing missing was the extra missing small button switches so i made them from two parts of scrap plastic one thicker than the other,here you can also see the re glued repainted hand and new more accurate nails


IMAG0368~01~01~01IMAG0368so i repainted the skirt and hemis touched up the more worn faded part’s on head and body and generally cleaned up with some nail polish remover watered down

still to do new head set and mike stand eventually will get round to that

really like the wisher Davros the mask for me was better, and i am aware of the inaccuracies of this kit there is a new 1/6 model garage kit  out thats very nice

so fun in the sun for now and maybe ill get round too completion